22 Reasons to Drop Out! By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/25/2023.
22% of Republicans say they will never vote for Donald Trump.
22% of Democrats say they will never vote for Joe Biden.
22% of Republicans might vote for a third-party presidential candidate.
22% of Democrats might vote for a third-party presidential candidate.
44% of all voting Americans are political independents:
22% of political independents would never vote for Trump.
22% of political independents would never vote for Biden.
22% of political independents might not vote for any presidential candidate in 2024.
22% of Republicans might not vote for any presidential candidate in 2024.
22% of Democrats might not vote for any presidential candidate in 2024.
22% of all voters will vote absentee.
22% of all voters aren’t white.
22% of voters refuse to choose between two or more poisons to vote for.
The Republicans may have 22 presidential candidates.
22% of voters, in 2024, would be more enthusiastic about writing in their dog’s name than vote for one of the names on the ballot in front of them.
22% of voters in 2024 may think the year of 2024 — the field appearing on their ballot, and the whole thing — is a sham, of a travesty, of a joke.
22% of all our voters love deficit spending.
22% of our voters would never allow any new taxes.
22% of our voters are rabidly anti-abortion.
22% of our voters are pro-woke.
22% of our voters are anti-woke.
22% of our voters are either senile or stupid.
And 22% of all Americans of voting age and eligibility HATE politics — period! — and will never vote for anyone at all.
I added up all the 22%s above and came up with . . . 25 X 22% = 550%. Figures lie and liars go figure. Nihilism lives! And the fat lady only sings 22% of the time. The rest of the time she denies election results.
Only 22% of what you read above is true. In fact, I made it all up! My favorite avocation is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted, or both. That includes you . . . 22% of the time. Congratulations!
Gene W. Edwards.
On Medium: genewedwards.medium.com
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