A Bunch of Big Predictions! Through 2032.
From the Psychic Intuition of Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 3/28/2023.
Should we have been in Ukraine at all, fighting Russia?: Yes.
Will the war keep expanding, more NATO countries deeply involved or vulnerable?: Yes.
Is the object of NATO to teach Putin a lesson?: Yes. (It’s called “Hands off!”)
Will the war be over in early 2025, as I have predicted?: Yes, and near to this month in 2025.
Putin dies of cancer then, as I’ve been predicting?: Yes. When will we hear he has cancer?: September of 2024.
Does Russia use tactical nukes or cause a radiation spill from a Ukraine nuke plant?: Yes (definitely). “Both.” The mere imminent threat of nuclear quells opposition.
Does Ukraine keep the Donbas?: Yes. Does Russia keep Crimea, which it unilaterally annexed in 2012?: No. Does Ukraine lose?: No. So Ukraine goes back to its 2014 boundaries?: No. Russia keeps some seaports on the Black and Ural seas, which includes parts of the Crimea.
A negotiated settlement between parties?: No.
Russia takes what it wants and keeps it, leaves the rest?: Yes.
A Russian powerful defense is left in place for what it took?: Yes.
Does Ukraine keep fighting to get those seaports back?: Yes. Does it?: Part of it. By when?: 2029. Does Zelenskyy stop fighting, and leading the resistance, in 2025?: Yes. Feels he did enough. Everyone is tired of the war. Did Russia “lose”?: Yes.
Did America’s dynamic, anti-Russian, NATO participation for Ukraine prevent this from turning into W.W. III?: No. Could America have stayed out, let Russia run over Ukraine?: Yes.
Would Putin have then continued to take more territory and countries?: Yes, countries not protected by NATO, which is a strong alliance but only protecting its own members fully.
Was the war mostly over Putin’s objection to NATO encircling Russia, including with nuclear weapons (like our Cuba)?: No. He just wanted Ukraine for himself, Russia. Any other reason was an excuse.
Did the sanctions, overall, against Russia work, despite its powerful authoritarian allies?: Yes.
Did we blow up the Nord Stream Pipeline to starve Russia of revenue, and Germany and Western Europe from dependence on Russian gas, as carefully documented by prizewinning investigative journalist Seymour Hersch? Yes.
Will Russia, in retaliation, blow up Norway’s pipelines?: Yes. When? 2024. Will they be caught?: Everyone will know who did it.
Have Putin and his successors been defanged via Russia’s poor military performance in Ukraine?: No more big ventures by Russia for a while, but Russia will be aligned with China in World War III, 2029–2032,
Will Jimmy Carter die in early April, as I have predicted?: Yes.
Rank the appropriateness and effectiveness of Biden in the presidency so far?: 90%.
Were the vaccine mandates necessary in view of the spread and danger of COV?: Yes.
Did Biden overdo it with the big spending bills that passed, and COV-relief bills?: Inflationary! Specifically, 33% of the total amount would have been adequate and not caused today’s galloping inflation.
Rank the Trump of today and his political aspirations?: A low 2 out of 10 (an FFFF).
Will the Manhattan D.A., who is the N.Y. County D.A., Melvin Bragg, be able to obtain any conviction of Trump, based on grand jury findings, etc.?: Yes. There is an assortment of Manhattan AND federal charges coming from the grand jury; two of them stick. Jail time?: Two years.
Rank Trump’s overall foreign policy?: 23%. No war under him but he was totally maladroit in building constructive relationships with our allies.
Rank Trump’s policies at home, tax-decreases, and such: 12%.
Rank Trump’s quick route to vaccines: 100!
Rank Trump’s handing of COVID-19 otherwise: 10%.
Rank Dr. Fauci’s honesty and forthrightness in his directing us only to patented vaccines to combat COVID-19? 20%.
Did COVID-19 spread from a naturally infected animal in an animal lab in Wuhan, China?: No.
Instead it spread from a naturally infected live animal, a bat, for sale in Wuhan, China in a Wuhan butcher (wet) market. Google “bats as food” or “Are bats edible?” Bats are notorious for carrying deadly diseases,
Did Trump’s take us away from the New World Order and global war during his time in power?: Yes.
Was he necessary, warts and all, from providing us a temporary escape from the globalists?: No.
In view of everything that has happened, was he a better choice than Hillary?: No.
Will the House of Representatives not extend our debt limit until June?: June.
Will Janet Yellen, secretary of the treasury, run out of money before the limit is extended?: Yes.
Less than 10 days after the money runs out?: Yes. Think three days afterward, a chaotic three days! The delegation will force the up to “21” to ratify the raise . . . or else — they will lose all committee assignments, most of their party’s distributed campaign money, and Republican challengers will challenge them in the 2024 primaries.
Will Matt Goetz keep his seat?: Yes. Boebert? No. Marjorie Taylor Green? Yes. Jim Jordan?: Yes.
Categorize the 21 who initially voted against McCarthy for speaker of the house: Watch some of them be censured by the rest of the Republican delegation, and taken out of leadership roles, be viewed as troublemakers. I’m speaking of the remaining ones resisting the raising of the national debt ceiling.
How will our stock markets do this this year, better or worse at the end of the year compared to the first of the year?: 10% up from January.
What will be the gold troy-ounce price-high this year?: $3,400! When?: October.
Why so high?: Chaos in the USA in October and for weeks thereafter because of political unrest in the USA.
Will the financial markets take a deep dive?: DOW Jones drop of 30% at its worst short-term dip.
What interest rate will our banks charge, on average, at the end of this year?: 8%.
Should our Federal Reserve raise interest rates at all between now and the end of the year?: Yes.
How many raises will there be, in total %?: Three raises equaling 1% more than now.
Will unemployment rise from now?: Yes.
By what percent?: 2%!
If Biden requires all wannabe immigrants to apply at our embassy in their country to be considered for entry into the U.S., all immigrants at the border turned away or shipped back home, evaluate that immigration policy in itself: 100%.
Rank, overall, our present House of Representatives?: 3 out of 10 (that’s an FFF-grade; F worsens by 10 percent from 50–59% down).
And our Senate?: 7.8 %, C+.
Evaluate Kamala Harris’s ability and performance as V.P.: 8; a B grade.
Will the Biden family be deeply investigated by the House?: 10 (Yes!).
Will Hunter Biden be convicted of anything, or the Biden family and Joe Biden?: No.
How will Donald Trump fare in the year 2023?: 0! Trump is disgraced. Trump, in 2023, will be sentenced to jail. He will not go to jail in 2023 or 2024. He will not be on the Republican ticket in the General Election. However it happens, Trump drops out of sight in 2023!
Will Desantis be the Republicans’ candidate for president?: Yes.
Will Biden, or will DeSantis, be elected president in 2024? Which?: Biden. By what margin in the electoral college?: Out of 538 total votes, Democrats 290, Republicans 248; it takes 270 to win; a narrow margin over majority!
How much will Biden win by in the national vote?: Only three million. Many voters sit it out. Biden wins most of the populous states and cities, wins 29 states. The red states will continue to vote red. Biden wins enough key swing states.
Will Donald Trump be sentenced to jail in 2023 after all appeals are exhausted?: Yes, 100% chance; nine years of sentences in all.
Sentenced to jail by the D.O.J.?: Yes.
By Washington, D.C.?: Yes. For inciting an insurrection. Sentenced to jail.
By Georgia, for election violations?: Penalized but no jail.
New York city and state cases convicted the Trump organization for fraud. No jail, Trump himself not indicted. Subsequently, his NY businesses are blackballed for being tied to fraud.
Rape and defamation civil case against Trump?: Not found guilty. No witness. He said, she said.
1.6 billion dollar lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems against FOX News?: Protected by free speech, but FOX’s rep is tarnished and some of its hosts put on a short leash.
Are the two voting machine companies’ nearly two-billion-dollar lawsuits against several different individuals winnable?: No. but the individuals will have to spend a lot of money defending themselves, a deterrent.
How much will FOX News drop in revenue in 2023 compared to 2022?: 21% = to less than 10 billion.
How much will it drop, in all?: Will drop to nine billion a year.
The USA will largely recover by the last weeks of the year?: Yes. Relative peace at home again.
Will Israel bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities this year?: Yes. In October.
Will North Korea’s nuclear facilities ever be bombed? Yes. When?: 2029. I am predicting a world war from 2029–2032, not nuclear. Lots of hot spots all over the globe!
Provoked by what country?: China! Why?: In desperate financial straits from too many men and soldiers with no wives, and way, way, way too many old people, not enough factory workers. Takes Taiwan, commands the South China Sea, etc. I call this its self-designated “territorial imperative.”
Anything else at this time?: “Watch the above unroll like a scroll. You [I] can sense the future, can read what no one else can. You [I] will succeed. Worldwide audience.”
Posted on 3/28/2023.
I post on Facebook under Gene W. Edwards and on the big blogsite Medium under: genewedwards.medium.com
Gene W. Edwards is the world’s best intuitive psychic about the past, present, and future.
Note: I am working on a psychic prediction book which I will title The Apocalypse Bag: Visions of the Present and Future, the Big Picture. By intuitive psychic Gene W. Edwards.