Gene W. Edwards
5 min readMay 21, 2023

A Few Random Thoughts and Intuitions.

By Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 5/21/2023.

Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

Trump is not an aberration; rather, like Nixon, he epitomizes our system of government and its exploitive character. How many honest members of congress (535 members) do we have, or just had? We do have several: Liz Cheney, Adam Kinsinger; Bernie Sanders; Jim Clayborne; and a number of decent public servants but, for the most part, most of them are bent on self-enrichment, take quid pro quo donations, and duck hard issues. (Please Follow me on Twitter and on


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

George Santos would make a better president than Donald Trump! Both are grifters, but at least with Santos you’d know that, almost everyone knows that! There are checks and balances. Santos wouldn’t have denied COVID-19 every chance he got, nor would he have imposed Biden’s vaccine mandates. He would have been more effective in policy instead of being almost all talk and drama, no attention span, like Trump. He would not attack everything and everyone in sight! Why am I writing this? I’m making the point that anyone who thinks Donald Trump is presidential material didn’t investigate his real track record — but the courts are doing so now. Mr. Big is become Mr. Little. I’m not saying Santos is presidential material; I’m saying Trump isn’t!


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

When we decided to make all of our own computer chips instead of Taiwan making the most technically sophisticated ones, once we take over most of their monopoly spot . . . the nations of the world will no longer need to protect Taiwan, its chips and labor force, and China will once again own Taiwan, the country without a country because much of the world since 1945 was coerced by China to pretend Taiwan is not a sovereign national and political — independent — entity, but Chinese. China will, I predict, overrun Taiwan in 2029 with impunity and there’s no way to stop that except via our treaties with allies vs. China, leading us all to World War III.


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

Why we CAN’T (shouldn’t) default! Fifty-nine percent of the world’s central banks’ currency holdings are in American dollars, and 75% of American $100 bills are held overseas. American dollars are many countries’ only currency. Read this short file on Wikipedia: “International use of the U.S. dollar.” If we default, EVERYTHING financially in the world defaults into chaos! Default is temporary, or permanent, bankruptcy but would be seen/felt as terminal. That’s how a nation’s bills become worth nothing more than the paper they’re printed on. Perhaps we could propose putting Kevin McCarthy on possibly $1,000 bills because, if we default, they will only be worth $100 . . . or less.


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

I am predicting that the nation will have 54 Democrat senators (out of 100) after the 2024 General Election, and the vice president can also cast a vote there whenever there is a tie. That’s still five or six votes shy of the 60 votes need in the Senate to break a Republican filibuster.


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

With DeSantos going after Mickey Mouse, I’m afraid that next they’ll go after my poor little computer mouse, what never dun nothn’ to nobody. Many Germans were okay with the Nazis until a truck came by to pick up their brother.


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

Our nation owns 335 million guns and has 335 million citizens. Did. One of them was probably murdered while I wrote this and then the serial number of that illegal gun was filed off and the gun thrown away. The FBI says there were 14,616 murders of all kinds in 2021 (the last year of full records available) but only 447 of them were by rifles (which includes AR-15s). I don’t see why anyone needs to own an automatic or semi-automatic rifle, a gun only intended to shoot and kill people . . . quickly. Almost all the other murders were by smaller guns, shotguns, murders in which the gun was not found, murders from physical beatings, etc.


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

“I thimk, their four ‘IR-15s’ is.” A misquote of Rene Descartes by a dumb, gun totin’, NRA terrorist posing as a Constitutional citizen.


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

I am privileged to be a listener of Clyde Lewis’s Ground Zero radio program on many stations, and a member of his Aftermath Media membership. One of his priceless shows was on 5/15/2023 because that show included a little segment of Bullwinkle singing “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.”


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

On talk radio, I listen to Del Walmsley, a money expert, but he’s also an expert on LIFE philosophy. Every show is a pure gem of his experience and wisdom. Del is an investor, mostly in real estate, rental properties. He could have retired in his age mid-30s, but by now has trained tens of thousands of others in real estate, investment, and life wisdom.

In a recent show, he said that around the end of each year, he liquidates what he wants to, pays his taxes, and then banks the remainder of his yearly profits. During one recent year, he made and banked $30,000,000! — and then he was busy trying to figure out how to keep that thirty million dollars busy.

At the time, banks were only paying .25% interest, . That’s still $75,000 interest a year on 30 million dollars, which come to $6,250 a month! He then looked around and found solid investments that paid a guaranteed 1%, but then he found 2% interest. That’s $600,000 a year interest, which is $50,000 a month! He briefly parked his money there until he found a low-risk primo real estate deal that nets 7% a year. That’s more like it, a $2,100,000 return a year, which is $175.000 a month — all made while you’re sitting on your butt.

Thus, you see what real money is if you play your cards right, leverage your money, use your borrowing power, limit risk, etc.!


Posted 5/21/2023 by Gene W. Edwards.

The allowance of political asylum is too generous. What if in a country, one-quarter of the millions of people in that country or several countries, feel endangered and want to come here, citing asylum? We’ve absorbed millions of immigrants before in a short time and the economy made room for them, they figured out how to work and prosper. Immigrants on the street doesn’t work. Immigrants shipped to Martha’s Vineyard doesn’t work. People willing to work for min. wage, and happy to do so, do wonders for business and the economy. “Entry” level. There will always be something going on somewhere that is disturbing. Our legislators need to understand how essential legal immigrants are, and we need at least 10 million MORE in the next probably five years! As for the illegals, or the asylum seekers wanting across, send out the border collies!

Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.

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Thanks! –Gene W. Edwards.

My specialty subjects are: politics, natural health, humor, money, life, intuition, psychic, prediction, ideas, and concepts.

Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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