A Houseful of Villains. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
Of course, the 71 felony charges against Trump are politically motivated! The whole thing was politically motivated . . . by Trump himself. They have nothing to do with his political party, political partisanship, or law gone wrong. Trump’s MAGA is a cult of personality. Yeah: a cult! If anything, it is anti-religion (it’s not even quasi-religious, though Trump did political tasks for the evangelicals), anti-democracy, and anti-law — all roads leading back to Trump, our wannabe dictator.
A Roomful of Hillary.
And now I will be politically incorrect. Hillary broke the law big time regarding national security. She used a private email server to hide who she really was and what she was doing. She lost seven cell phones. She hid many thousands more emails even after being discovered. Many of her emails contained classified info. Thus, she too endangered national security, our operatives, our foreign relations. Julian Assange of WikiLeaks tried to tell you — the Clintons are scum! They are not scum because they are Democrats, and they are not not scum because they are not Republicans. Hillary made an occupation of going after women, big time, who were starting to squeal about Bill’s sexual escapades. Bill Clinton sold us out in trade deals for the rich and anti our middle and low classes, and promoted the banking deregulation that directly caused the 2008 banking crisis that cost us trillions. Open your eyes, Democrats! Bill and Hillary lead secret lives. I could tell you where to look.
Biden and Burisma are One?
Then we come to Joe Biden. The Ukraine oil and gas giant, Burisma Holdings, hired Hunter Biden in an overt influence peddling move (!) to protect their notoriously corrupt business from being shut down — rather than expand its influence and prosperity. Hunter did not register, as required, as an American agent representing a foreign country, Ukraine. Burisma allegedly paid the Biden family five million dollars to keep Burisma’s scams going, keep investigators quiet. Hunter was allegedly also bribed by millions from them, not to mention the millions he made for doing nothing at Burisma. There was also an alleged 10 million dollar link to a Chinese energy firm; see https://www.bbc.com/news/world-54553132 That’s a BBC story. Like a Mafia cover job, Hunter on Burisma’s board of directors, where he did little or nothing for Burisma but protect it, by his presence, and with Joe’s help (?), from intense scrutiny for corruption. What was on Hunter’s laptop? No one denied its contents. It is a record of Hunter’s abject off-the-charts degeneracy and links to family corruption, to the above. Joe Biden is “Mr. Big”? Yes, all the above will be hard to prove. It’s a D.O.J., FBI, and CIA matter. Ukraine was a corruption haven; everyone with a dark soul and heart wanted in, wanted a piece of the greedy action. Tony Bobulinski, world businessman, exactly revealed the Biden link when Bobulinski backed out of a Burisma deal with the Biden family, citing corruption. I implicitly believe Tony Bobulinski. Do you think that just because Biden is a Democrat, and highly competent in my opinion (!), he wouldn’t line his pockets if given a sure-bet opportunity? This all happened before the invasion. The Democrats make excuses, while the Republicans need the testimony of three or more to prove corruption assertions but get little help from the Democrats and their lieges. Is Biden worse, or as bad, as Trump? Not by a long shot, Trump is 100X worse — as a scofflaw and insurrectionist — but Biden’s a representative of our swampy mess in Washington. We need younger, new, blood in the White House and Congress, men and women with integrity, in BOTH parties and in the Supreme Court.
Whoever was Bad, the Bushers were Worse!
Why didn’t we prosecute the Bushes for war crimes, their deliberate “weapons of mass destruction” lie, to control us and void portions of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, all thanks to the neoconservatives’ One World Government/New World Order agenda behind them?
Corruption In the FBI and CIA.
The FBI and CIA remain for sale. They know how to be hands-off regarding big stories and leave alone the big political players. Do you think Christopher Wray, the FBI’s director, appointed by Trump, is honest? I find him lacking. Cover-ups! Why did he cover up the Olympics sex molestation going on of USA girl Olympiads by their coach? Why did he cover up and postpone portions of the Biden investigation and corruption? His payoff: head a huge government agency for a nearly $200,000ish a year total salary, a position he didn’t endanger by identifying certain Democrats’ villainy, as Biden rose in power, Wray instead showing integrity, making hard decisions. The Bill Barr D.O.J. was a nightmare of coercion coming from the top, the president himself corrupting the entire department of justice, including the D.O.J. and FBI!
Trump’s Insurrectional Mentality.
The Trump mishandling of documents is a huge, huge, deserving case including espionage, endangering our operatives in the field and our international relations in war and diplomacy. Forget Hillary, the Bidens, etc. Trump’s open, weird pathology is off the charts! Don’t you know how Trump is wired? He’s a classic psychopath. Everyone ducks this. See the Hare Psychopathic Inventory to score him yourself. Trump: has cheated often on his wives, is hard to work for, thrives on drama, thrives on lies and cheating, was in trouble as a young man, uses charm and guile to get what he wants, had blunted social affect and so he always needs excitement to feel fully alive, throws allies under the bus, flouts, flaunts, and dodges the law, is an egomaniac, is narcissistic — and even a demagogue, causing hate crimes and 1/6/2021. Who in his right mind would want such a man back in our presidency?! Why did he take and hoard the files and memorabilia? He never explained at all. His scofflaw degree of mishandling classified files, etc., prove him brazen and clueless, full of selfish audacity! Above the law?
D.O.J. Corruption.
Is the D.O.J. corrupt? Ask Michael Cohen. He discovered that many legal eagles high in the N.Y. D.O.J. are less interested in truth than in advancing their own careers, the Bill Barr (reached attorney general) types looking for a million-dollar partnership in a major law firm, etc. They pad cases in their favor, coerce and manipulate defendants into making deals, and do politicians’ bidding. Not so in the present case against Trump, but often. The D.O.J. needs to be cleaned up, the toxic culture of hyper-ambition within it, twisting the law and putting extralegal pressure on defendants to their own ends. Trump particularly contaminated it via Bill Barr. Merrick Garland has not addressed the exploitive lawyers in the D.O.J.
Chris Christie, the Needle below Trump’s Saddle.
I want you to consider all the above. I was overjoyed to listen to Chris Christie in his long CNN
Town Hall appearance. Christie would try to balance our budget, listen to all sides and coalesce policy, etc. He is going after Trump tooth and nail when no one else will. I just may vote for Christie rather than Biden’s big spending, his “no” budget, and his phony green agenda. I’ll cover that issue soon. (Christie will lose to Biden.)
Our Clueless Conventional Media.
I am dissatisfied with almost all parties in our conventional media. They refuse to cover all these stories honestly, thoroughly, and in an unbiased and truly investigative manner. They are brainwashed, both FOX and MSNBC. CNN is just in it for the money.
America is Not a Political Party.
In all of the above, do NOT consider political party. Consider America. Be a political atheist. Be truly independent. See the forest and the trees from above. Be a political eagle, not a low political scorpion.
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
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