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Abattoir: Governor Greg Abbott of Texas. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 1/31/2024.
In charge of Texas’s 1,254-miles-long border between Mexico and the USA, Governor Abbott of Texas has been given an impossible job of keeping invaders out of Texas! Yet they pour in like Morton Salt in the rain, lunch buckets in hand, back packs on back, ready to work — in their promised land. They come from warm places, so they like Texas. They’re Texas’s new red-haired stepchildren, unless Abbott buses them elsewhere. Some get tangled in Abbott’s razor wire fencing; some drown in the Rio Grande, which traverses 1,255 miles of our southern border. Others die in Mexican deserts of dehydration, heat, rough-terrain climbing, wild animals, and criminality — all like a slaughterhouse: Abbott’s abattoir — but still most get in.
It’s all a hocus, a grift. They just walk across, like they’re going to a Sunday picnic, endlessly- long lines of them, where the border patrol processes them in like lab rats, named, numbered, vetted (maybe), finger-printed, their place of origin surmised, and then most are impounded until somebody figures out what to do with them. They might as well have hiked to Guantanamo. Millions also sneak past the border police and are never caught.
I have my own take on it all. I believe our Constitution requires our presidents to secure our borders, and our states governors to security their international borders. I don’t care how or who; just get it done! If you want into our country, apply at an American…