American Democracy is Teetering on the Brink!
By Gene W. Edwards
Watching election news — the General Election coming up in three weeks (11/8/2022) — it suddenly dawned on me: we escaped the British, and in 1776 became an independent democratic republic, beholden to no one. Most of the population then was not into the revolution but were carried along by that anti-British-tax tide.
Astrologers tell us that Pluto comes back around every 246 years (1776–2022), in its long orbit around the earth, and that it portends revolution, death, and such, like “Fix it or bust!” Now a significant portion of our country actually wants out. This is war! They want Trump to rule us as an autocrat, and they no longer believe in elections, unless it’s their elections on their terms (only their candidates can win). In short, in this election, on our second Tuesday in November, 11/8/2022, our very political system and country is on the line! Either we turn the Trumpers out to pasture — all of them! — in the legislature, executive, and eventually judicial branches of our government OR — kiss your sweet Constitutional ass goodbye! You will become a stranger in a different land than in the one you lived in and swore to uphold!
Don’t tell me those people — the Trump crowd — can feint pledging allegiance to our flag, and our country — and then thumb their nose as it and us, and attempt through propaganda to wrest us away from our womb of justice, fairness, and history, disdaining free elections and installing their dictator for life. You know that’s what he wants! And he doesn’t even believe his own lies!
Trump is heading for jail, by sometime next year, but his people are trying to overturn election laws now, including our Electoral College System that affirms how our states voted in presidential elections — and that only what they think, say, and do — and vote — counts!
I say to you again, take this election seriously! President Jimmy Carter has gone to a number of banana republic kinds of autocratic countries to be on a team supervising fair elections there. We need him, and such at team, NOW to assure fairness in our own elections at the polls and in their outcomes, not demagogues in the media and the one in Mar-a-Lago tearing it all down! I’m quite tired of media hounds like Hannity and Dan Bongino, spreading disinformation to line their pockets. Carter and Obama, and George W. Bush, now need to come out swinging for our country. This has absolutely nothing to do with political party. It is tyranny and rebellion against our good ol’ USA — and how unacceptable that is!
What is a revolution? What does it do? The object of any political revolution is to uproot and destroy a form of government, or a part of one, and install a new leadership, a radical change from what went before. It often involves a coup d’etat, which is exactly what 1/6/2021 was, as marshalled to our capitol by Donald Trump
Is Trump’s rebellion a new vision, which is what we got in 1776, or it is just mayhem, destruction, disavowal of law, and chao, depending on how a revolution plays out? Is it fear and greed based, or based on truth, fairness, equality, and correct governance? Is Trump just an autocrat like Castro feeding his, and his followers’, ego, promising prosperity, status, and freedoms just for them if they are willing to overturn the tables, so to speak, of a nation’s dominant form of government and its leadership: ours?!
I ask you “again,” are with me in this?! Every honest citizen in the USA who is qualified to vote needs to vote on 11/8/2022 to root out the Trump crowd from our midst. Disavow them! Shun them! Let them go! Jail them! Be done with them! And let them go to _ _ _ _ where they belong! Americans, revolution them out! Turn THEM out to pasture! Condemn them! We have an enemy among us bigger than any foreign enemy. We are a nation being overrun by tens of millions of Benedict Arnolds, led by Trump, to take us over a cliff to nowhere. If you are not with me in this, get ready to say The United States of Trump!
Love (when I’m not angry! But don’t get mad, get even),
Gene W. Edwards.
Posted on 10/16/2022 on and on (my blog on Weebly); (my blogsite on