“An Enemy(s) of the People.”
And Intuitive/Psychic Predictions by Me.
By Gene W. Edwards.
I can only conclude that Herschel Walker is doing stand-up comedy, is not a serious candidate in Georgia (USA) as a U.S. Senator. He should drop out. His comments about climate change, for instance, prove he might be almost as smart as some of the smarter rocks in a box of rocks, and he personifies the ozone layer in person (airhead). Eminently presentable, and a consummate athlete, he’s way out of his wheelhouse in politics. And he lies about everything! My take: IQ of Herschel Walker, 87; Warnock, 131. Walker would be hooted off the stage if he won a senator spot and tried at its lectern to speak on any issue in the House. His soul level is 67, a D+.
Likewise, Donald Trump has just been doing stand-up comedy all this time. Examples: He is willing to settle to win the 2020 election, in 2022, by only one vote — and he declassified by decree, like a Zeus on Mount Olympus, Top Secret and SCI documents and then maybe stored them in egg cartons at Mar-a-Lago, or flushed them down stools there — and maybe even hid more of them somewhere else! What thinking person would not know he is not serious. He should confess, make a deal, and drop out of politics altogether, or quietly move abroad ASAP to somewhere that will give him political, or personal, “asylum.” And he lies about everything! I grade his soul level as 10 out of a possible 100.
A couple of notes. Trump’s national polled approval rate is 40.4%, disapproval 55.1%. Biden’s approval rate is 10% below Biden’s approval rate. BOTH are hugely unpopular, though their personal styles are at almost exact opposites.
On General Election Day, 11/8/2022, 220 of the 552 Republicans on our 50 state and national ballot are Trump choices, are Trumpists. The rest are outsiders. Someone pointed out that running for national public office is hard. It’s much easier if you throw in with Trump, if you have his endorsement rather than disapproval — and then you can ride into office on his coattails and Republican dollars. And you too can lie about everything! Your soul level is a 50 out of 100 an “F” grade when you do that. You are morally retarded.
Predictions, intuitive/psychic, from me.
Republican Herschel Walker loses his Georgia U.S. Senate race to Raphael Warnock by one or two percent.
Republican Ron Johnson loses his Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race by one or two percent.
The Democrats will end up with 52 Senate seats, the Republicans 48. Much of that loss will be due to Walker and Johnson aa the polls being beaten by Democrats.
All 435 seats are up for election in the U.S. House of Representatives on 11/8/2022. Whichever party holds 418 or more (or a majority) of them holds the House. The Democrats will win 221 of them, the Republicans 214 — these numbers to the surprise of almost all!
The Democrats will not win the 2024 General Election for president.
Donald Trump will be convicted and sentenced in 2023, having won “election” to a U.S. federal prison.
The Republican ticket in 2024 will be DeSantis for president, Pence VP. There are 538 votes cast in the United States Electoral College, ratifying the states’ vote. The Republican will win 285 of them (270 to win), the Democrat candidate 253. Thus, even if the Democrats win both Houses of Congress in 2024, the new president can veto any Democrat legislation he wants to when it passes and comes to his desk. Blame the Democrats’ loss of the presidency mostly on inflation, and on out-of-control public spending (the essential cause of that inflation).
Will Donald Trump be convicted, and sentenced to jail? Yes.
Will he go to jail? Yes.
In total, what will his sentence be? I still say 12 years.
How many years would he serve? Eight.
But will he die in prison? Yes.
Will he be in home confinement, or in a jail cell? Jail cell.
What month will he first enter jail in 2023? August. The law cases against him and his turned-down appeals will all be prioritized, as he is a threat to our nation.
Will there be widespread violence, comparable in scope to 1/6/2021, in the USA from his conviction and jailing? No; 30% as bad, overall.
When will Donald Trump hit an approval rate of only 35% compared to his 40% now? June of 2023. He’ll still think he can get out of all his legal challenges on status and appeal.
My intuitive after-words on all of this is as follows. “America wins, Trump loses. America is feeling rapid change. Everything is being questioned. Congress experiences death of business as usual. American business hits a wall. A national debt crisis.”
When? “2026.”
Anything else? “Take time to pray. Be led. Value and join friends and family. Seek spiritual ascension.”
I got something else, something chilling; no name given to me: “Congress deals with the death of a president.” That caution on a piece of info-prophecy could include both (either) a current or an ex-president.
More predictions from me:
Interest rate/inflation rate back to normal: April 2023.
Russia doesn’t win all of Ukraine but only part of eastern Ukraine. War concluded in March of 2023.
Does Putin have cancer? No.
Does Russia cut off all of its oil and gas to Europe this winter, 2022–2023? Cuts off 75% of it.
Is Hunter Biden convicted and jailed for crimes? Surprisingly, no,
Lastly, “Act Christlike” (all of us).
Post the above blog on your refrigerator. Check this blog out, as time passes.
Love (from the human circus),
Gene W. Edwards.
Posted on weebly.com and medium.com on 10/16/2022.
http://www.genewedwards.com/blog (Weeby.com blogsite)
genewedwards.medium.com (Medium.com blogsite)