Arses and Quacks. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 7/4/2023.
I heard this one: How many assholes does it take to make a pothole?
Answer: Only one, but they have to be a real pro at ass-phalt destruction!
Speaking of arses, did you hear about the two rear admirals? They were identical twins. One was a left rear admiral and the other one was a right rear admiral — but they could never get ahead because of the asshole between them.
If Trump end up in a state prison, he may be assigned, like many prisoners, to making state license plates. In his case, all of the plates he makes will just have one word on them — no numbers — and no other letters or words than the five letters in his personalized series of license plates. That word: TRUMP.
We had a problem in our HVAC (heating/air conditioning) vents and ducts, apparently a small animal inside. We heard banging and clattering, and quacking. Quacking?! I looked inside. It was a DUCT-billed platypus. They’re poisonous, you know. I had to let it out.
Breaking Bad’s Walter White might come back in a new series on TV? . . . and Trump is also attempting a come-back. Both are psychopaths. Walter White is an intelligent one; Trump is not. Both are so over the top and convincing, no one suspects they are wired wrong. George Santos is our other, most visible, psychopath. No one believes him. The characteristics of psychopaths have been best delineated by Dr. Robert D. Hare in his Hare Psychopathic Checklist. Check the above three out for yourself. Do you know the history of each of them, as well as Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, two other classic psychopaths? If you don’t “get it,” you’re either not college material or you have been brainwashed though psychopaths’ modus operandi of manipulation, drama, lying, cheating, narcissism, egotism, lawbreaking, bullying, etc.
A sizeable percentage (20%-40%?) of America’s prisoners are psychopaths. They all proclaim their innocence. They are all highly “moral” in very selective, manipulative ways; they all pretend righteous moral indignation in those areas. They all want to manipulate you into your getting them out. Check out Caryl Chessman on Wikipedia.
In the end, read the Bible’s Numbers 32:23: “Be sure your sin will find you out.” See, more proof there is a God. If I know Trump, he will be sentenced to years in prisons but will never set foot in one. Trump is near the end of his charade. Think October.
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