“Attempt to Overthrow!”

Gene W. Edwards
5 min readNov 4, 2022


By Gene W. Edwards.

Those words recently came to me in sleep or meditation. As usual, everyone (media sources, etc.) missed the big story and what it means. Donald Trump planned to overthrow our government if he lost, which he did, by seven million votes! It was assuredly a coup d’etat attempt on 1/6/2021. Trump was/is our own wannabe tinhorn dictator of a banana republic (founded by banana Republicans); there would no longer be a United States of America, ruled by law — but only by Trump.

EVERYONE who signed onto, and still signs onto, Trump’s Big Lie is a traitor to the truth and to America! I’m talking about 40% percent of the American population. Presently, 55% of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump and 40% approve. It’s like comedian Flip Wilson’s “The Devil made me do it;” in this case it’s “Donald Trump made me do it.” Fifty-seven percent of Americans want the investigations into the insurrection continued. That includes all Democrats, many or most political independents, and even some Republicans. Donald Trump is a Joe McCarthy millstone tied around America’s neck, the 46th worst of our 46 American presidents.

There will be hundreds of indictments and convictions regarding Donald Trump, starting with Donald Trump himself and the fully-inspired-by-him 1/6/2021 insurrectionists. The upcoming conviction, jailing, and dethronement of Donald Trump as a political force in America will also result in the restitution of voting rights, some common civility, and some semblance of unity in the formerly-UNITED States of America — during when, in the upcoming years, we try to recover from the disease of Donald Trump and his stain on our democracy.


Now allow me to make something perfectly clear. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I’m a social Democrat, a fiscal conservative, and a natural Libertarian; I’m unaffiliated! I don’t believe the government should be in our pocket or our “pants.” I believe in limited government, social programs that pay for themselves, the repayment of our national debt (tax restructuring), and the preservation of human rights. I believe in transparency, not secrecy. I believe we need millions of legal immigrants to dampen inflation and buoy up our demographics and Social Security, pay into it to make up for our declining birth rate. America is in the catbird seat, economically, compared to most of the world. We’re far from Europe’s fractious shores, despite Biden’s proxy war for Europe against Russia and for Ukraine — which will not work.


Republican was/is the party of Lincoln. Republicans one and all believe in limited government, less taxes, and less spending. Democrats, by contrast, believe in tax and spend. The Republicans will assuredly win the House of Representatives in the November 8 General Election in 2022. We continue to need the fiscal restraint imposed by the Republicans to survive as nation.

I calculated, in 2020, that the eventual total cost of COVID-2019 to our economy would be 10 trillion dollars added to our national debt. Most of the cost came about because Donald Trump did his best to dismiss COVID, even after he caught it himself. By mid-March of 2020, he had already disparaged and dismissed COV over 320 times, documented. A “good” president would have done his best to limit COVID’s access to our shores and encouraged mass vaccination, once the vaccines were available. It is Trump who inspired millions to become COVID-19 anti-vaxers, and it is Trump who is ultimately responsible for hundreds of thousands of American deaths, of the million plus, from COVID -19, by far the most in the world for our population. Trump’s dangerous, demagogic, rhetoric is also largely responsible for an epidemic of suicides, hate crimes, and three years shaved off our national longevity from 2020–2023 from his mishandling of a dangerous pandemic, one an Obama — or any real president — would have sensibly addressed, if not nipped in the bud. Donald Trump is president of himself.


And now we come to the Democrats — and some of the Republicans. The trillions we have spent on stimulus checks and Biden’s recent legislation about chips, climate change, infrastructure, etc., is driving inflation up, and driving up our national debt. We have approximately 333,333,333 people in our country, which is one-third of one billion people. Thus, every billion dollars we spend of public money costs each man, woman, and child here $3. Every trillion we spend collectively costs each of us $3,000 — in public debt and inflation. Getting back to my 10-trillion-dollar estimate, above, in added national debt because of COVID-19, that will cost each of us $30,000 in added national debt and inflation. Can’t you see why spending money we don’t have works against us all?! We need the Republicans — too. We just don’t need ANY MAGA types who want to destroy us by endorsing Trump’s insanities.

But are our Republicans, whether Trumpers or not, real Republicans? The Republicans don’t want one dime of additional taxes. In reality, they’re doing nothing about our mounting national debt. We nationally spend six trillion dollars in year in public expenditure, but only collect 4.5 trillion. See usdebtclock.org. My sense is, we hit the wall when our national debt hits 34 trillion, sometime in 2026. We know who the Democrats are, but where are our Republicans? Are they absent without leave? Much of that 10 trillion in additional debt I spoke of is our “normal” deficit spending — and that in peacetime! Trump ran a lot of it up, as deficit spending.


So my whole point in writing this letter is, Donald Trump and all of his must go, voted out by law and in the polling booth. All of them are traitors to the American dream of fair and free elections and government. Americans are now more fearful of political collapse than they are of inflation or COVID-19. Trumpism kills us all!


Love (but not tyranny),


Note: I recently revamped my writing career. I still use Weebly, now call Square. I post all my new blogs on it. Here’s how to find that blog. Go to: http://www.genewedwards.com/blog Then click on “Blog,” not on “Old Blogs.”

I also post under genewedwards.medium.com on medium.com. Sixty million people (unique users) a month read an article or articles on medium.com.

I also often post my “blogs” on Facebook under Gene W. Edwards and on the Coast to Coast AM Listeners website on Facebook.



Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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