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B.D./A.D.: J.C. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 12/20/2023.
Those who doubt Jesus Christ’s existence and His Biblically foretold Messiahship should consider the fact that our calendar of now actually dates back to His start in time, from B.C., “Before the Common era” (but I grew up hearing that B.C. meant “Before Christ”). Yeah, His birth transitioned B.C. to A.D. — anno Domini — marking the beginning of the Christian era of man, “in the year of our Lord.” That splitting of time closed an age of religion that had descended into selfish law and shallow observance into an enlightened age of potential love and light. Today’s “Jesus calendar” marks the new beginning of mankind’s counting of years. It starts in the year 1 because there was no 0 back then in arithmetic. Jesus appears to have lived from 1 A.D. to 34 A.D., when he “left” (the exact start date disputed by as much as a half-dozen years).
Every time you use a calendar, consider its origins and meaning, “When Jesus the Christ was born.”
That all was some 2,000 years ago. Brainiac Marilyn Vos Savant notes that J.C. lived only 60 generations before us. Christianity didn’t really catch on until the mid-300s A.D., when it turned into the State religion, a now-sanitized Roman religion, safe to observe.
There’s another way to look at all this. It is Julius Caesar that began moving Rome from a republic to an empire. B.C. to A.D. happened early during that empire time. Jesus’ time’s Roman ruler, Augustus, completed Rome’s conversion from a republic to a savage rule of law and…