Business Not as Usual!
By Gene W. Edwards.
On 12/14/2022, I predicted Tesla stock would hit its floor at $120 a share before Elon Musk’s rep would partly resurrect.
NOT! Not yet.
Tesla and Musk are still in the toilet being flushed. It wouldn’t surprise me if Tesla stock goes down to the $67-$75 range. Since November of last year, Musk’s fortune has fallen from 338 billion dollars (richest man in American history, inflation adjusted) to today’s 137.6B. I do applaud Musk’s desire to free-up free speech in America. He should have turned Twitter over to a competent team reflecting his values and stayed out of it. Didn’t. Musk is now the 2nd richest man in the world (unless Putin is richer), He’s 50B behind France’s Bernard Arnault, and he’s only 13B from falling to be the world’s third richest man.
You know you can buy stock to go up or down if you qualify to engage in “futures.” Going up is called a “call,” down is a “put.” This can be done on “margin.” Don’t lose your shirt shorting. I’m gravitating into stock picks.
A second stock I watch is Canopy Growth Corporation. Canopy is hovering around $2 a share but will explode in value if cannabis is legalized or decriminalized and the industry is allowed to use banks. Look at all the Mary Jane stocks if that happens. Biden wanted the above legislation until the Democrats lost the House. The Republicans consider weed a gateway drug and want to part of it. It is still classified with heroin. Oh, that demon weed! I’d like to smoke it but don’t want to get started.
Ho! Ho! Ho! No? No, no, no, and no! Post-Christmas, we now have four virus epidemics going at once: the seasonal flu, COVID-2019, the respiratory virus (RSV), and the common cold. Hospitals are filling up like thermometers to new bust-out-the-top highs. China relaxed its city- and region-wide quarantines, so COVID-19’s newest vari\ts are poised to spread all over the place (world) during the upcoming Chinese New Year! Thus, it is said we’re only halfway through the COVID-19 epidemic. It’s like a computer virus. If you haven’t had it, you will. That’s as sure as motherhood, apple pie, the American flag — and the ICU, someday. We all die but COV is our third leading cause of death, about a quarter of a million Americans last year. If someone sneezes, don’t say “Gesundheit.” Instead, run for the exits!
I have a giant complain! Here goes. You: please take the COV shots and boosters. There is a plethora of misinfo out there (fake news on steroids!) about COV and the shots for it. I was reared by a scientist and respect science, not political pseudo-science, much of it started by Trump. All the COV shot does is tell your own body’s immune system to attack COV if it sees it. The COV shot is a disease identifier, a dead biochemical strand introduced into your body, along with enhancements, to notice a contagious form of a particular live disease and your own body attack it. If your immune system is weak, you may be toast, shot or not. If you take one, you have the best “shot” at surviving with no respirator on your mug in some forlorn ICU, a gurney and the coroner standing by, like buzzards.
And now we come to, where did COV come from? We may never know because of coverups in both the USA and China. International viral research is going on all the time, including the weaponizing of same. We do know that seven people had, or died, from COVID-19 in a Wuhan, China “wet market” (butcher market of live animals) by 1/1/2020. Other illnesses and deaths in Wuhan also occurred around that time, including in the Wuhan Virology Lab which housed infected bats and inflected pangolin anteaters. I think the virus accidentally got out of that lab, funded in part by Dr. Fauci’s organization that engages in Gain of Function (GOF) and Loss of Function (LOF) lab enhancements on the coronaviruses viruses that are found in all vertebrates’ systems. If you don’t get the COV shots, and immunizations against common deadly diseases, it’s your funeral.
Some of you have science mixed up with sci-fi or politi-fi.
Illegal immigration to the United States [according to Wikipedia]
Opponents of illegal immigration argue that people who enter the United States illegally are criminals, as well as social and economic burdens on law-abiding natives. Opponents also argue that illegal immigrants who enter the United States illegally should be deported instead of being awarded with U.S. citizenship and social services.[13] Some argue that illegal immigrants should instead enter the United States lawfully through legal immigration.[14][15]
Research shows that illegal immigrants increase the size of the U.S. economy, contribute to economic growth, enhance the welfare of natives, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms’ incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services.[16][17][18][19] Economists estimate that legalization of the illegal immigrant population would increase the immigrants’ earnings and consumption considerably, and increase U.S. gross domestic product.[20][21][22][23] There is scholarly consensus that illegal immigrants commit less crime than natives.[24][25] Sanctuary cities — which adopt policies designed to avd prosecuting people solely for being in the country illegally — have no statistically meaningful impact on crime.[26][27] Research suggests that immigration enforcement has no impact on crime rates.[26][28][29]
Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 1/10/2023.
I posted it on my blog website: