Bygones Given Too Much License, Back Then and Now.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 4/1/2023.
May I say this, in retrospect: The two Bushes prosecuted a fake war, deliberately. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and they knew it! Both were, and the one remaining alive is, war criminals, intent on controlling us from the top down, take away our God-given rights for their own nefarious purposes.
Trump cost hundreds of thousands of lives in his mishandling of COV, which also resulted in our economy hemorrhaging. Who was worse, Trump — in his way — or the two Bushes, the very personifications of the worst of the New World Order Neo-conservative “types.” Illuminati.
I don’t buy 9/11 either as only them (Bin Laden Islamic extremists) vs. us. But that’s a whole other subject way off the politically correct radar.
We were also drawn into Vietnam on false pretenses, the Gulf of Tonkin, etc. And there were other manipulator presidents and events before that. Do you really think FDR didn’t know a Pearl Harbor was coming, there, and the USA had to get into the world war so that some big portion of the world wouldn’t be captured and held by conquest, its subjects forever forth speaking Japanese or German?
So I want you to look at the big picture. Is Trump flawed? Sure! Indubitably! He’s off-the-charts mendacious (a liar), manipulative, provocative, obnoxious, and crooked — but did he get us into war, or did he bring us peace during his time in office, war’s opposite? Well, yeah. So how many lives did he SAVE? Iran and Iran, etc., are still hell holes of foreign conquest, based on pure geopolitical manipulation!
Trump became a traitor to our country, a law unto himself. The United States of Trump. Yeah, unacceptable! So he’ll be hung out to dry, and then be salted and eaten, and eliminated, as common carrion. And I’m okay with that — BUT DON’T FORGET TO LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE! Life is not as simple as you thought it was. The complex fabric “made up” from the political thread of the world is oft mis-stitched and ingloriously mismatched with soulful reality. It is at such times that one should not be too quick to judge external events as melodramatic opportunities to come and sneer, or marginalize those with surface flaws that opaquely conceal their high intention, behind the curtain, but who wandered off course. Trump is not our worst enemy. There have been worse. Looking both within and without, one discovers the meld of God and man, of true Brotherhood, is bigger than all of us striving separately . . . and errantly. The world awaits law, love, and light in equal but joined portions in some future Day when we all take off our dark glasses.
Posted 4/1/2023.
Gene W. Edwards is the world’s best intuitive psychic about the past, present, and future. I post on Facebook and on my blog: Medium is a giant blogging-host website. Please Share all my postings!