Coercion Politics. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted on 9/18/2023.
Trump’s hardcore MAGA supporters only represent 15%ish of the entire electorate. In our House of Representatives, its MAGA extremists/Tea Party types consist of only 45 members out of the House’s Republican delegation of 222 people, so only 20% of the Republicans in the House-McCarthy rule that chamber.
Yet, the Republican party has been, first, coerced . . . and then held hostage by the 15% and 20%, a demographic phenomenon inspired by Trump to follow Him (capitalized, ha!) along blindly, adhere to his every word and bidding, go after his every enemy. Any Republican politician, etc., who questions, stands up to, or opposes Trump is subject to being run out of office, not to mention death threats, blacklisting, etc. Career ender. Nikki Haley types walk a fine line!
What’s wrong with the above picture. Well . . .
Everything! Only Democrats and independents have some latitude in opposing Trump’s efforts to dictate policy and hold his lieges atop a cliff, to jump, the Pied Piper himself immovable until (not if) the law locks him up. (When he goes to prison, he will write his swan song, a Hitler-like book titled Mein Kops.)
But unless you live in Lower Slobbovia, you know all the above. The question is, what do we do about it? Trump is only 77 years old, but his dictums and his following seem to live forever. When/how will we be rid of him? Because Gene (I), the conscious being, cannot answer that question, he will turn his unconscious, mystic, mind loose on the issue. As follows:
“USA bigger than one man. Study how Germany fell under Hitler’s spell. Trump understands the legal peril he’s in. Death of Trump is coming, more stress than he can bear. All of his own making. You won’t have to wait so long. Years and years of confinement await him. Study our Constitution for its remedy for insurrectionists: their exclusion from public office and, therefore, excoriation from America’s body politic. All those who followed Trump, who are in Congress, in the media, etc., are likewise anathema to progress and honesty. Rather than anointing them, exclude them, dismiss them, and vote them out — until or unless they wake up and deeply apologize for mis”lead”ing us. There is no honor among thieves. This is not a matter of political party at all. The party of Lincoln was not so ill conceived.”
How and when can Trump, and all of his following, be banned, marginalized, or excluded from holding office, holding forth in judgment, and making policy?
“You can show the way [me, here]. What America must experience now is the power of the law to protect the republic. No other antidote defines us as a free people to extol our institutions and value our community of sacred patriots who are unafraid of the repercussions from their initiatives to call Trump and his followers into account.
“Trump suspended a Damocles sword over our nation. Now that sword is inexorably moving to position itself right over his head. No matter what he thinks, says, or does, his fate is one of failure, his last lifetime years spent in imprisonment as a rogue meted out judgment from his more powerful fellows. Watch our ex-president’s fall, the worst, hardest, and longest we’ve seen of anyone in America in our lifetime. Start counting down the days until our zealot of selfish power falls from grace into an abyss of incarceration, ridicule, and recrimination.
“Many will be busy in overthrowing Trump, but most of all he has been busy in overthrowing — convicting — himself through his own words and deeds, so easily legally documented. In condemning our legal system rather than pleading guilty, being contrite, and begging for mercy, Trump courts maximum judgments following his convictions, those incarcerations going even beyond maximum sentencing guidelines for a first offender. The courts are subtly competing in scheduling to see which one can lock him up first! Trump wants 2026 and ‘not until forever’ trials. Instead, he will get speedy trials, as our Constitution requires, despite the complexity of his offenses and those of his blithering, blindered, lieges.
“Wait and see.”
(“Hey, Gene, tell us what you really think, huh?” Well, I did.)
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive mystic predictors, exclusively using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
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