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Current Events: Info and Predictions. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 4/15/2024.
The reason the hush money/election interference trial is powerful is that it will document a tawdry attempt by Trump to cover up attempts to hide two affairs, circa 2006, from his wife and the voters that would have surfaced IMMEDIATELY before the 2016 election. Melana married Trump in 2005.
(1) Stormy Daniels “has sex with him once” and reported it was the most unsatisfying sex she’d ever had, said he had a tiny wee-wee with a mushroom tip. This happened about the same time his wife, Melania, was pregnant with Barron, in 2006.
(2) Karen McDougal had a 10-month affair with Trump around 2006 also before she felt guilt and cut the cuckoldry off. She was a Playboy supermodel, a stunner in beauty.
The doorman at Trump Tower was paid $300 for his story that Trump fathered an illegitimate child by someone in the hotel’s staff. That story “may” have been a hoax.
Stormy Daniels was paid $130,000 to not talk about the affair or have it printed in the National Enquirer. That was immediately before the 2016 presidential election, which Trump subsequently won. Michael Cohen paid her out of his own pocket. Trump and Cohen concocted a complex scheme to hide the payment from Trump by falsifying Trump Corporation records. Trump repaid him later, via more false paperwork. Were there election contribution violations?
Trump’s friend, David Pecker (Pecker?), the CEO of American Media, paid Karen…