Double Trouble. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 9/2/2023.
Nature is the great, cyclic, climate changer, humans the polluter. I figure we either need a Manhattan Project to get off of fossil fuels, or we should clean up, more than we’ve been doing, the coal and oil natural resources we extract so we can experience an oil, gas, and coal financial boom! Fracking is the most iffy (problematic) power source, along with nuclear power.
Again, the real issue is pollution, not carbon dioxide. What about carbon monoxide, various sulfurs, and methane? I do not believe we should have ever entered our proxy war against Russia. Such alliances spell World War III down the line, probably in treaties against China.
GA is trying to fire Fani Willis, as of Oct. 1, a purely political Republican move, by having its legal regulators examine her performance. They probably won’t succeed. The GA governor will politically protect her. She should, later, get a fed. prosecutor job in a state that is not in a cultural lag. GA is another cultural and racist backwater, like Florida.
Trump’s mug shot is so full of negative energy, hook it up to light up all your light bulbs. Black light. In future debates, debate moderators needed to shush Swampy River (Ramaswamy) enough that everyone could have the floor, each hold a pillow until they’re done speaking. Swamy runs on, and on, and on — on his looks and the arrogance bestowed from having a ton of money. At least he was no rubber stamp, like the anti-Woke crowd. (Anti-woke means they’re asleep?)
Re: Trump’s mug shot in GA. I’ll get inside his head. As follows: He practiced the mad grimace to express during his mug shot. Its meaning: “I’ll get you!” Death threat. To anyone who contests him in any way. It’s a classic negative image. The Devil? Trump would like to leave our country. First, though, he’s transferring assets, Mar-a-Lago already to one of his sons for almost half a billion dollars. “Watch him lose almost all political support.” Watch primaries abandon him. DeSantis also loses support. Party in a quandary, knowing Trump’ll bring the whole ticket down and DeSantis is probably not electable either, at least not heading the ticket. Many adapt by simply ignoring Trump. He can’t attack everyone! By primary time, his support would be 33%. He will not win the primary. Nikki Haley, who is 100% East Indian (India) by background, appeared to be the debate winner of the primary but she polls low. Value Chris Christie’s attacks on Trump, who also polls low.
What else do I get?: Trump: federal courts convict. Trump “resists” arrest. Fani Willis also convicts. New York convicts. E. Jean Carroll wins lots more money in her second civil suit against Trump. All these spell the end of Donald Trump’s political career. He’s still rich, maybe 1.2 billion dollars, slipping down a P.R. and legal rathole.
What will happen to Trump?: High rise, high fall. Psychopathic. His high risk-taking fails. Defeated in almost every way. Roundly condemned by many, the majority. Consequences.
Watch Trump try to get out of being jailed. He uses every trick in the book but can’t. My observation is that Trump will not allow himself to be locked up. A federal prison term and GA prison term are coming before the election. He is scared; covers it up with bluster and veiled threats to rally his “troops.” Friends and family are abandoning him. Nowhere to turn. Caught! End of the line. Abandoned by voters. Huge fall!
Discuss the rival candidates, their chances AFTER Trump “drops out”, competitively:
Ramaswamy: Trump supporter no matter what. Trump’s “fall” will devastate him. Extremist. An also-ran. Is losing steam. 6%
Nikki Haley: Capable of high office. Has a flexible style that’s self-serving. Probably could not find big donors/amounts. Doesn’t have enough name recognition. Of 100% India ancestry, like Kamala (50%). 6%
Hutchinson: High integrity. Political outsider critical of Trump. 3%
Chris Christie: Bridgegate destroyed him as a credible winner. His attacking Trump now will costs him down the line. 8%
Pence: Watch his rise! 43%
DeSantis: The second-place party leader after Trump. Negative gospel spewer. 21%. Might end up as Pence’s V.P.
Burgum: Lacks name recognition. 4%
Scott: His Trump support leads him into the ditch. 10%
Regarding the above: Pence’s star rises. Could run with Haley as his appointed VP. Christie is out. Pence/Haley would be a credible ticket, although Pence is anti-abortion. I “get” Pence/DeSantis.
I strongly also get the following: Trump will not be on the 11/5/2024 presidential ticket, and neither will DeSantis as pres. Pence will. Let’s see who runs with him. By primary and election time, the public will have abandoned Trump, leaving some eight contenders battling for a respectable percentage of Republican power. Only one of them can emerge with a hard-fought majority, to put him or her heading the ticket. Pence knows how to bend with the wind.
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
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