Member-only story
Embedded in the Mist of Time: The Real Story of Jesus’ Birth. By Gene W. Edwards. Reposted by me from a previous year.
“With respect to the shepherds, they came to the stable because all nature, all the heavenly hosts, had proclaimed that glorious period for man. As the Wise Men came to do honor and to give of their substance, she realized that in body and mind, she had been dedicated to that service to man in order that she might be a channel of blessing. And her soul awakened to the praise of the shepherds who had experienced that cry of the heavenly hosts, ‘Behold a son is given, and his name is wonderful counsellor!’ Then she realized, as she does now, how all nature, the face in the water, the dew upon the grass, the tint and the beauty of the rose, the song of the stars, and the mourn of the wind, all proclaimed the mighty words of a merciful and loving God.” (587)
That quote, and several to follow here, is from Edgar Cayce’s Story of Jesus (1968), passages selected and edited by Jeffrey Furst (deceased). The “587” I noted at the end of the passage above refers to the chronological “reading number” of the 587th different person, out of thousands, who obtained a “reading” from Cayce (1877–1945), who was a Christian trance-mystic
The quote above was given to a lady who reincarnated in Cayce’s time but who had been the innkeeper’s daughter in Bethlehem and witnessed the events of Jesus’ nativity. Imagine how Mary, the mother of Jesus, felt…