Fox Escapes During Foxhunt.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 5/1/2023.
The Fox News case settled for, not 787 million dollars, as commonly reported, but 787.5M. That’s a big difference! Many such lawsuits settle for $500,000 or less, which is still a lot! This case went for 1,575 times that (take $500,000 into $787,500,000). Let’s say 1,575 news readers suddenly reaped a windfall of $500,000. Happy?! One thousand five hundred and seventy-five win the lottery?
However, Fox is sitting on four billion dollars cash. Here’s the story:
Fox will probably pay Dominion “during the current quarter” (April-June). Fox is still being sued by Smartmatic for 2.7 billion dollars, and Abby Grossberg has also filed two lawsuits against Fox. Here’s that enormous story: Will the Grossberg case will be settled out of court? I see her being awarded some three million dollars. As for the Smartmatic suit, I believe, again, it’ll be settled out of court for 1.2 billion dollars, and I say that that event will quietly happen early in 2024. That’ll leave Fox still sitting on two billion dollars cash (four billion minus 787.5 million minus 1.2 billion). Here’s what that number looks like: $1,200,000,000. That’s the equivalent of six rows of $100 bills laid end-to-end from the earth to the moon!
In short, Fox isn’t going anywhere. It still guards the henhouse. My intuitive sense, though, is this: “Fox fears closing.” I also get, “D.C. is after Fox.” Like Roseanne Barr did back in the day, Fox is in danger of losing too much of its audience after shooting itself in the foot. Trump and Fox were/are linked together like bad sausage. You can painfully watch it made, but don’t eat it!
Tucker Carlson’s nightly audience was 3.25 million people. The USA has about 325 million people. That means only one person out of every 100 was listening to him. That’s still a lot of people, almost the equivalent of the population of Los Angeles. What’s wrong with all those naïve Fox-listener dunderheads? To understand, read Jen Senko’s book titled The Brainwashing of My Dad. Her extreme-right-winger dad wasn’t stupid; he was just misled. He finally wised up.
The following came to me recently: “The election lie came from Donald Trump, and only from Donald Trump. All roads lead back to Donald Trump as the instigator of division and tyranny in this country, followed by those who naively bought into it.”
I’ll conclude this post by asking my intuition, “What will happen to Tucker Carlson next?” Here goes:
“Trump and Carlson: strange bedfellows together. Carlson believes Trump will go to jail. [So do I.] Until then, Carlson pretends fealty to Trump. Like Trump, Carlson always first looks out for number one: himself. Carlson is facing dishonor and dereliction of duty, TCDDDDD, a Tucker Carlson D and D of D on his D Day. He fears the lawsuits to come, thereby being cleaned out of ill-gotten gains.”
Presently, Celebrity Net Worth says Tucker Carlson is worth 30 million dollars. That “could” drop to zero. He was also making 10 million dollars a year at FOX.
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I may be the world’s best intuitive psychic predictor of future events.