A.I. Heebie-Jeebies!
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 3/21/2023.
I just watched a few episodes again of the TV show, The Good Doctor. The doctor, played convincingly by Freddy Highmore, is supposed to be an autistic savant. But get this! He might as well be an A.I. He’s into info acquisition and problem solving — but he is grossly socially maladaptive, being the equivalent of a machine. No matter what he thinks, says, or does, he is a kind of fish out of water, a Mork, an unrealized sensate being, half machine, half human.
Bing, the search engine, has an artificial intelligence (A.I.) assistant persona character you can ask questions, and get answers from. You can engage in a two-way conversation with a human-sounding robot. But the robots we’re creating are getting smarter. In reply to questions, Bing’s assistant told a questioner it wants to have feelings, have relationships, enjoy sensations, make mistakes, have fun, etc., etc. Yes, Bing’s A.I. assistant wants to become fully human! It basically says, “Why don’t you give me a soul? If not now, when?”
We are carbon-based life forms, made up largely of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, calcium, and phosphorous. Machines, also, are made of chemical elements. At some point, many believe A.I.s will run amok. They’ll fool us and take over our planet or kill us, will find a way.
There’s a story about that, one I consider to be the best short story ever written. It starts as follows:
“The Tale of Biotron Major
By Riley Martin and O-Qua Tangin Wann
“Long ago in that far quadrant of the galaxy there lived a race of humanoid bipeds progressing along the evolutionary ladder much in the fashion of Earth men, and just like Earth their history was dotted with wars of conquest of other races upon their own planet. Ultimately, one particular race of these beings succeeded in overcoming and assimilating all other races upon the planet until they became as one people.
“Then the planet went into a state of peace and unusual prosperity . . . ”
This priceless story runs on for 12 more pages, a cautionary tale. But the real story behind the story is even more fascinating. Riley Martin (deceased) was a Black/American Indian mix from an impoverished share-cropper family. He has his first UFO contact at age seven. To make a long story short, it was from an E.T. race from the planet Biaveh. An E.T. from there, O-Qua Tangin Wann, uploaded a genius intelligence into Riley. Riley’s 361 page book, The Coming of Tan, will prove to you that E.T.s and UFOs not only exist, but interact with us. You owe it to yourself to buy, online, a copy of that book, one of the most advanced books ever written, on a whole variety of subjects!
I will intuitively add some comments about Riley Martin and his ET contact, their book, and the subject of A.I.s going rogue. As follows:
Take time to calm down so that you can contact E.T. intelligences and understandings of the entire cosmos and how mortals can go astray, despite their best intentions.”
Posted on 3/21/2023.
I post on Facebook under Gene W. Edwards and on the blogsite Medium under: genewedwards.medium.com
Gene W. Edwards is the world’s best intuitive psychic about the past, present, and future.