“Gaggle of Crackpot Lawyers” ( — Pence); By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 8/6/2023.

Gene W. Edwards
4 min readAug 6, 2023


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All this year I’ve been predicting Trump “drops out of sight” in September or October of this year. I say September, probably the second week of September — at which time all hell will break loose in the nation: socially, politically, financially. This is a very specific prediction. Hold onto your shorts! I don’t sense Trump to be a suicide risk, but he is a high assassination risk, as public enemy #1 (just behind Biden and Pence). He is not adequately protected.

Trump has now been indicted on 78 different FELONY charges. Is that some kind of record, or what?! GA indictments are coming next. Trump will continue to run so that people will donate. Poor billionaire needs money to pay his legal bills. I think he should attempt to flee via his plane to Saudi Arabia or the U.A.E. (Dubai) as a political refugee seeking asylum — but I doubt if he could get away from the U.S. marshals who now accompany him everywhere. He is a ward of State.

Judge Tanya Chutkan will be “convicting” Trump soon enough regarding his attempts to steal the 2020 election . . . and, as usual, Jack Smith has all his ducks in a row. Trump — my prediction — will receive a prison sentence of 45 years just from her. I’ll say that sentence will be imposed in February of 2024. GA waits in the wings with felonies, as does Jack Smith regarding the classified documents case. I estimate a 32-year sentence from that one. I estimate 10 years from GA and four years from the Manhattan, NY’s D.A., Alvin Bragg. These come to 91 years in all. These inextricable sentences, following one after one, will shock the Republican Party into some measure of reality. Trump’s chance of rewinning the presidency in 2024 are equal to the chance that his DNA is not him. Wasn’t that him inciting his Brownshirts to attack our capitol?

Regarding Chutkan, she’s everything Trump hates: a woman; black; an immigrant; AND a lawyer — she’s tough, fair but tough, and even honest. Everything Trump hates in one package. Surprise: Jack Smith is a Republican. Unlike the MAGA crowd, he is not a chump.

Donald Trump has reached his apex and has nowhere to go but down. His party is also in the doldrums. It’s a dog summer afternoon. Can’t you hear the dog whistles? Time drags on. Every day for Trump now feels to him like a week or a month. How much longer can he carry on this charade? How much can the poor nation stand?!


I’ll end this blog with a sports analogy (about fair play). Let’s say my Denver Broncos play the Philadelphia Eagles in a future Superbowl. The Eagles score 38 points and win, the Broncos only 34 points — but the Broncos complain they were robbed. There is no obvious or demonstrable merit to their claim, only false assertions and pointless drama. This situation throws the whole NFL into chaos, AFL vs. NFL The fans take sides. The rules keepers feel unappreciated. It all goes to court. The Broncos want the trophy returned. All the courts rule against the Broncos — but the Broncos just won’t let go. Fans of both sides start boycotting games. Kids stop playing football and play soccer instead. Finally, the Bronco quarterback, who led this mess, goes to jail for years — but still his fans insist he was right all along. All this controversy totally backfires. The Broncos lose their corporate sponsors. There is a bidding war to fill empty seats. Their players lose their morale and mental edge. In the end, the Denver Broncos team is sold. They move to another city, one in West Virginia, and their team name is changed. There are now called “The Losers.” Their new uniform is coal-dust black, not orange. They were never heard from again, as they never finish any future season with a record good enough to go to the playoffs. They even make the Detroit Lions look good. The team loses over one billion dollars in market value — all because one super player — actually a scammer — “had” to win, no matter what the cost, even when he lost, and no matter how long it took, to pretend that what happened in the past was a win, not a defeat.

The above did not happen; I just made it up. Instead, its equivalent is happening today in politics. The Republican Party is shooting itself in the foot, thanks to Donald Trump. It’s Trumpgate, not a lesser evil like football’s Deflategate. Nobody wins! America as the city on the hill has lost part of her luster. We are the laughingstock of the free world, divided in half as we are by a psychopath who has no concept of truth or fair play. Our very nation is faltering. Can’t you see it? Can’t you feel it? The evil man within it must be expunged, marginalized, and made irrelevant — all of these by his own party.

Too many men on the field!



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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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