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Gaza (Subject), Part II. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 10/10/2023.
From my mystical intuition:
Value Palestinian/Arab/Islamic non-combatants.
Destroy and close the tunnels in Gaza. Closely surveil all the area for threats.
Drone-surveil/drone-strike rockets that are being staged by Hamas.
What has been Iran’s participation in Hamas objectives (munitions, etc.)?
Will Israel attack Iran this year?
Yes. Near the end of the year, in December.
Will Israel get the hostages back?
20% of them!
Is a two-state solution desirable or forthcoming?
No. Will never happen now.
Will Netanyahu be turned out of office?
What should be done with captured leaders of the Hamas invasion?
Sentenced to life in prison as a public menace and as murderers.
What must Israel do with Gaza?
Avoid antagonizing the area too much but do secure Gaza from extremism and extremists who wish harm upon Israel. As with our 1/6/2021, Israel needs to painstakingly identify those who participated in the “insurrection,” committed crimes, etc. All such are unwelcome as part of the Israeli state. They may not vote or be represented, may not own guns, etc. Awareness must prevail, that Israel is vulnerable…