George Washingto. By Gene W. Edwards.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke to our Congress, president, and nation just a week ago, Wednesday 12/21, and CNN, which is worldwide, misspelled his name every time but once that entire day in the subtitles, and running subtitles, under all their TV news stores referring to him. Here’s the correct spelling: Zelenskyy, not Zelensky. That’s like spelling Geroge Washington as George Washingto (washing toe). “Zelensky” is a diplomatic insult.
Zelenskyy is the George Washington of the new Ukraine, the cleaned-up Ukraine, the international wannabe Ukraine. On the face of it, I’d say “Lots o’ luck.” Ukraine’s all shot to hell, one trillion dollars damage. But I still say the war will start winding down in February 2023 when it is found that Putin is quite sick: cancer. We’ll see.
A peace could have been negotiated by Ukraine in March of last year when Russia wanted full ownership of Crimea, part of Donbas, and a Black or Ural Seas port or two. Such a negotiated territorial peace is still possible. However, Ukrainians, one and all, want no part of it. They will protect their pre-2014 national boundaries right down to their last man. Now they hate all Russians and aver they are willing to spend decades expelling every vestige of Russian incursion from their soil! Imagine some foreign country wading in and relentlessly bombing many of our major cities! You’d be mad too if the Russian bear mauled you.
I listened carefully to Zelenskyy’s brilliant speech. I think it took him weeks or months to write it, and he delivered it as a plea to the American people to save his nation. He came here just after our general election, wanting a blank check to fill in from our newly constituted Congress, soon to be seated, on 1/3/2023. He came dressed in military fatigues and his message, as I thought about it, and felt it overnight afterwards, was all negative. The Ukrainians now hate the Russians.
In a universe that also loves mercy and forgiveness — not just justice — the Ukrainians instead want reparations out the wazoo from Russia, just like the onerous, painful reparations imposed on Germany after World War I that created the economic and power vacuum which produced Hitler and World War II.
Ukraine and Germany got it all wrong. The Ukrainians and the world don’t understand that Putin is not Russia and Russia is not Putin in the same manner that Hitler was not Germany and Germany was not Hitler. Someday Putin and his wars of conquest will be gone. Someday the Russian people will be among our best friends.
In the meantime, Russia has Ukraine on short rations. Food, clean water, electricity, and life there are all in short supply. No, it’s not right.
We’re on track to have spent 100 billion dollars, that we know of, by September of 2023 on America’s war with Russia. That’s $300 from every man, woman, and child here (333 million people into 100 billion dollars). Even that much is not a good investment, at least not according to Ukraine, unless Ukraine’s pushback expels Russia from Ukraine forever! Ukraine has the resolve. All it lacks is state-of-the-art offensive and defensive armament. Ukraine is now sending rockets into Russia, citing turn about as fair play.
A story the conventional media refuses to cover is that no paltry amount of money intended for Ukraine, and invested by (banked by) Ukraine, ended up as laundered and lost money in Sam Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme. He also donated heavily to the Democrats in 2022, including over five million dollars alone to Joe Biden. He facilitated many Democrats’ wins at the polls from his donations, totaling 40 million dollars in all, most of it to naïve Democrats looking for a free ride. Many Democrats and charitable organizations — over one million entities in all — lost their capital in FTX and lost money on its currency, FTT. Not a few of them went bust. Much of this may end up being covered on the new Twitter. Bankman bankrupted to the tune of $32,000,000,000 dollars at the age of 30. Not chump change. How he did it required true incompetent, sociopathic genius!
Missing from the above picture is, Russia may use tactical nukes or cause a nuclear accident, through armament, in Ukraine. Martial arts master Putin knows how to throw punches, and he threw out the rule book long ago. His goal is to impose attritional suffering on the Ukrainian people until they holler “Uncle!” Uncle Boris. Uncle Putin. It is this world of savagery that predominates in Russian and in former-Russian Eastern Europe and Russian Eurasia right now, Russia’s orbit. When will it end? How will it end? As one looks at what is going on there from here, anything “could” happen! Putin is quite frustrated with his war with NATO and the USA. He’s looking for a way out, whatever that is, but hopefully with grace.
Ukraine, compared to those behemoths, is nothing but a pawn.
Posted 12/29/2022.
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