Heaven’s Gate and Other Topical Subjects. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023
I don’t believe in the traditional heaven/hell but . . .let’s say you die and find yourself in front of St. Peter at the pearly gates. Let’s face it, the guy has too much to do, keeping track, like Santa Claus, of everything we think, say, and do . . . before assigning us.
Well, he’s old and tired so now so he just says, “Show me your QR Code and I’ll immediately know where to send you.”
Docudrama. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
The reason Trump is in so much trouble over documents is that what he did is all “documented.”
***** 7
Tesla’s Stock Price is on Fire. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
Tesla is back up to $260 a share from $100 a few months ago. I predicted then, and now, that it’ll go to $320 a share. In fact, I had a dream it’ll go into the $400s. I’ll say $421. Tesla is also huge into A.I.
De-Rothschild. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
One of the miscreants at Mar-a-Lago was an impostor who claimed she was 33-year-old Anna de Rothschild. In fact, she was born in Ukrainian as Inna Yachchyshyn, and busied herself mixing and mingling with the other guests at events. Who knows how many saw the boxes at Mar-a-Lago and checked them out? Let’s say you go into one of the bathrooms there, lock the door behind you — because you are a foreign intelligent agent — and take as many photographs of documents as time permits, maybe doing so on several occasions. Of such is the intelligence game. Do you remember the Johnny Rivers song, “Secret Agent Man”?
S_ _ _storm in a Dumpster Fire. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
One of the stories that came out of Mar-A-Lago in ’22 was that Trump was reading government documents in bathrooms there and then ripping them up and trying to flush them down the toilet, stopping up at least two stools by doing so. He also was reportedly causing stools containing his shredded papers to not only stop up but run over — and he was tracking that s_ _ _ stuff all around Mar-a-Lago on the bottom of his shoes. Classy, huh?
Uber Allegiance? By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
The new pledge of allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the United States of Trump, and to the Republican for which it stands, one dictatorship, under Trump, wholly divisible, with prejudice, tyranny, and a free-for-all for all — uber alles [in all the world].
Irate Iran. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
A prominent JFK assassination conspiracy researcher said JFK came to him as an apparition, wouldn’t show his face — but the voice was unmistakable and the visionary’s sense that it was JFK. The voice said, “Lucifer has taken over Islam and is going to use it to destroy mankind!” I say, “Watch Islam push back if Israel bombs Iran.”
The Big, Big Bible Picture. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
The Christian Holy Bible is a metaphysical (beyond physical explanation) textbook, a metaphysical cookbook. There are many genres in the Bible, including literal meaning, but mostly metaphysical. I challenge you to do “bibliomancy” by randomly opening your Bible and — eyes shut — pointing out five books’ chapters throughout the Bible, a total mix. Probably all five will include metaphysical events, explanations, etc. What about Moses’ 10 commandments, sent by God, and the 666 laws in the Torah? What about the voice of God giving directions in battle? What about all of Jesus’ miracles? What was the Ark of the Covenant? How was Jesus born without sex taking place? How did he resurrect? Everything is in Bible accounts: prostitutes, mediums, guile, fate, destiny, punishments from God, angels, portents and predictions, dreams, Revelations . . . and, yes, everything else! To deny the reality of any of it is blasphemy, albeit it happened in times and places afar from modernity and our understandings of how the world works.
We’re supposed to keep our mind on God, and on his best teacher and teachings rather than get sidetracked in metaphysical anything-goes “Do what thou wilt” lifestyles and belief systems. But don’t you understand your astrological blueprint at birth, or how numbers govern everything, or how the mystic and psychic have their place, such as in the lives and works Edgar Cayce or Nostradamus, and how each of us are empowered to rule our stars –and that God is within? He’s not (just) in a church or another person you put on a pedestal. Every newborn is a potential Jesus Christ, capable of new revelations and visions, and of starting a new, better religion. Even A.I. could construct a better religion.
My point is, life is complex, but not so much so once you grasp the big picture rather than wear blinders by limiting yourself, or parsing your life down to just what your religion teaches, us v. them, and exhibit intolerance for thousands (millions!) of years of history and others’ spiritual beliefs and way of life.
Life is a joy, a drama, and a succession. Everything is interwoven, including time and space. Past, present, and future are simultaneous, as well as linear in our conscious three dimensions. God is a creator being, as are you; we are co-creators with Him, and even are Him = God is in the microcosm (you) and macrocosm (all!).
Thereby — considering all of the above — life goes on, the human circus, each person gathering experience, perception, and perspective until the whole is realized . . . and then moves on to dimensions we cannot fathom. God is in every plant, every stone, and every being. Many of these have eternal souls and transform little by little, two steps forward for one step back. Thus, universes are conceived and built, live and die, as in a movement and a rest — all to repeat and build over and over and over again. God’s majesty. The Creative Forces. Get with it!
Gene W. Edwards.
Russian Dolls. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/17/2023.
Robert Young Pelton, world adventurer and world policy observer extraordinaire, says he’s Russian by ancestry. Recently he asked a Russian why Russia bombs schools, hospitals, and such in Ukraine.
The answer, “Because that’s where the people are,” said matter of factly as if, “How dumb can you be? It’s war!” Ethics don’t even enter into it, not in Russia. Geneva Conventions? Pfft! Nonsense. War is nothing but bloody battle . . . until somebody wins.
From that mindset, Putin wouldn’t hesitate to bomb Europe’s largest nuclear reactor plant in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine — just to muddy the waters and dispirit Ukraine into surrender (or fight harder!). So what if he wastes the land he wants in his pocket? He won’t hesitate to negotiate with guile, or to bomb a dam. See, he doesn’t give a damn. Russia didn’t acquire 11 time zones in span by being Mr. International Nice Guy, Mr. Honest and Forthright.
Understand your enemy.