Here’s a Hodgepodge of Current Political Happenings and My Predictions.

Gene W. Edwards
3 min readDec 27, 2022


By Gene W. Edwards

I ahead of time predicted the Walker/Warnock Senate race close enough. I predicted a Warnock win of 3.4% over Walker and the final vote tally was Warnock 2.8% over Walker. I rounded off my prediction to 3% (3.4%, but not 2% or 4%) before the polls opened on 11/8/2022.

I remain believing — a months-long prediction — that in 2023 the various lawsuits against Trump will result in a 12-year prison sentence that year after all appeals are exhausted. Some of the lawsuits against him may run even after 2023 because of his delaying tactics. Almost all of the prosecution cases against him — including a rape case — are being pursued meticulously as vital to the nation, not as slam/dunk guilty verdicts from government legal eagles only bent on enhancing their personal careers with wins at the cost of justice.

Kevin McCarthy has one uphill battle in order for him be selected by his party to be the Speaker of the House. CNN’s legal eagle, Jake Tapper, described McCarthy’s party’s rogues, nipping at his heels, as “Kevin McCarthy and his gang of flying monkeys!” That refers to the five extremist Republicans who are holding the speakership’s wannabe, McCarthy, hostage until they get a deal. One would hope the Republicans can find a centrist in their number who also has integrity, though I don’t know who that would be. Remember that every mirror has its dark side, so the image you see is not what you get. Transparency needed!

I don’t see how the Republicans can function on 1/3/2023 without having settled on a Speaker of the House for them heading their rulership of that chamber. A protracted battle for the top spot may ensue. Will the 222 Republicans be able to select a speaker at all? The winner must garner at least 218 votes out of a possible 435. McCarthy has looks, wealth, and hyper-ambition, but no integrity — which should be obvious to everyone by now. Shortly after the insurrection, McCarthy went to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump’s behind. His party’s five naysayers today are no better than Trump. McCarthy will kiss their behinds, and in his doing so, the Republican party is tarnished goods.

Senator Raphael Warnock is presidential timber, someday down the line. A man with integrity. That’s the one thing we need in leadership. Most else is negotiable.

A U.S. House of Representatives Republican named George Santos, from New York, appears to have made up his entire resume! He may face two jailable federal charges and even be expelled from office by the House, that subsequently requiring a special election in NY to fill his seat — in Democrat territory! To compound the Santos “problem,” five Trumpy Republicans say they will not (will never?) vote for McCarthy for speaker. That means 222 minus 5 Republicans = 217 votes for him as speaker, and he must have 218, including, of course, Santos’s vote. McCarthy must grab one or two allegiances from the five before the first ballot takes place in the House on 1/3 to see who becomes speaker — so the party does not fall apart, going through multiple ballots and getting nowhere but in disarray.

[On 12/27/2022, now Santos saying he’s not Jewish, etc. He made it all up, his resume. Bottom line: he’s not Jewish, he’s lieish.]

Donald Trump should seek asylum — so he can be treated in one.

The reason Kevin McCarthy and a number of his House members did not attend Zelenskyy’s speech is that Kevin was too busy buttering his bread. You know what I mean. McCarthy (not spelled McCarthyy) said his Republicans would not give Zelenskyy a blank check. Funny, McCarthy wants a blank check in regard to his being the House leader even though he appears to be wholly amoral (without moral referent) in policies and personal linkages.

Love (not un-sanctimoniously in the bushes),


Posted 12/27/2022

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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