Humor; and Predictions.

Gene W. Edwards
4 min readOct 25, 2022


By Gene W. Edwards.

Hormel Foods might be coming out with a new product for the upcoming holiday: Hollow Weiners.

Buffalo wings are from winged buffalo, which happens to be an endangered species.

Jackalopes are also endangered. Don’t shoot one, not even the males, the ones with horns.

In the case of road rage incidents, also do not shoot anyone just because of their horns.

At the gym I can now pump 500 pounds. How it works is, you can buy these plastic-balloon blow-up “weights” marked “500 pounds,” etc. They look real! Pump the plastic up with air, fill the balloon, and then take it to the gym and lift it, while others watch in awe. So what if it only weights two ounces? I threw mine through the ceiling tile there, expecting to lift at least a little more weight than two ounces.


Trump keeps talking about a witch hunt against him. Well, it is Halloween. Why not?

In order to satisfy women needing abortion in abortion-free states and zones, their governments have made plenty of wire coat-hangers available to women there who want to handle it themselves.

We sought to codify Roe vs. Wade, not understanding that the “Roe” merely referred to fish eggs, such as caviar.

The recent Dobbs decision to overturn Roe v. Wade also refers to “A little dob will do ya, in a pinch, but take care of it before it gets too big!”

Moslem women are retaliating about all the concealment clothing they must wear to hide their feminine wiles, while some the men there privately applaud their decision because it had become too difficult to distinguish men from women, under all that straight-line garb and hidden hair and faces, and front and rear hidden protuberances.


Donald Trump, the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021, has been accused of rape [Jeanne Carroll], sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.”[1][2] (Quote from Wikipedia’s “Donald Trump Sexual Misconduct Allegations).


I was privileged to see Jason Selig, a member of the Good Liars comedy duo, approach Herschel Walker, U.S. Senate Republican candidate from Georgia, as he was leaving the stage at one of his campaign rallies. Selig pressed two long-row packs of out-of-the-“box” rubbers into Herschel’s hand and advised, “Next time use these — to stay out of trouble!”

Herschel wasn’t too happy about this, and the two had words, all of which turned out to be inaudible. I’m told Jason Selig also left a bag of toy sheriff’s badges for Mr. Walker, who pulled out his “badge” during his recent debate with Senator Raphael Warnock, the Democrat incumbent. It was an honorary badge, like the badge Nixon gave Elvis Presley when anti-drugs (?!) Presley dropped in on him at the White House in 1970.

Here’s the priceless YouTube of Selig harassing Herschel Walker with raw satiric reality:

Cutting edge comedy doesn’t get any better!


My latest predictions, these 14 days before the General Election on 11/8/2022:

Herschel Walker loses to Warnock by 2%.

Ron Johnson beats Mandela Barnes by 1% in Wisconsin for incumbent Johnson’s U.S. Senate seat.

I still say the Democrats end up with 54 Senate seats on General Election Day.

The Democrats lose the House (435 seats), The Republicans garnering 223 seats, the Democrats and Independents 212. The abortion issue is not viewed as more important than the inflationary economy.

The Republicans win the presidency in 2024.

In my meditation today, 10/24/2022, I got the words “One to three years,” which I interpret to mean Trump draws a one-to-three-year prison sentence, once the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) finds him guilty and sentences him. Its court case against Trump began yesterday, 10/24/2022: jury selection. The SDNY has presented a 250-page indictment of Trump, and a possible fine on Trump of $250,000,000 for tax fraud. The SDNY wins some 96% of the cases it pursues. I say the fine will be $90,000,000, and I don’t think Trump is liquid, will have to sell assets to pay. A conviction would de facto shut him down from doing business in New York. No one wants to do business with a scammer under government watch.

Here’s another video. This one is comedian Steve Bridges playing George W. Bush at a White House Correspondents Dinner in 2006. That is actually George W. on the left and his satirist, Steve Bridges, is to his right. They cheerfully exchange barbs. Both are quite at ease and charm the crowd. The comedy is cutting edge, and George W. takes it with grace. Here:

Speaking of “comedy,” I’m reading Michael Cohen’s latest book, titled Revenge. Cohen says stripper Stormy Daniels refers to Trump’s “mushroom penis.” His what? Here’s Stormy Daniels’ interesting story from The Guardian:

Her sordid details are not to be missed. Daniels’ book is titled Full Disclosure. She describes sex with Trump as “The least impressive sex I’d have ever had.” (And now he’s doing “it” to the country.)

On that salacious note, I conclude this missive.

Love (Trump is like a King Lear in The [a] Tempest),


Posted on 10/25/2022 on and on is my blog on Weebly; click on Blog, not “Old Blogs.” is my blogsite on



Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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