I Psychically Look at the JFK Assassination.

Gene W. Edwards
6 min readDec 12, 2022


By Gene W. Edwards.

What you see below is how I psychically/intuitively view the issue of the JFK Assassination — to see exactly what happened that day, 11/22/1963. This may be the best explanation you will ever get. The following is in the form of questions and answers. As follows:

Was Oswald a shooter that day?: No.

Did he have foreknowledge of the event (by date, time, place)?: No.

Therefore: did Oswald want to be the one to kill JFK that day?: No.

How many shooters and their coordinated shots?: Three. A triangulation.

Did each shooter have someone with them to coordinate the exact timing, by radio, of each of the three shooters’ coordinated shots and be a lookout?: Yes.

Were all the guns rifles?: No. Two rifles, one pistol. Pistol from “front fence” (on the grassy knoll, no rifle shots from there)

Where were they: (1) Grassy knoll behind fence?: Yes. (2–3) On any floor in the Texas Book Depository (TBD)?: No. On a floor in a building next to the TBD?: Yes, the seven-story Dal-Tex Building, from two different floors).

How many shots were fired in all?: 8, in attempted volleys of three shots each time, three times. (One shooter was unable to make one of his shots.)

How many hit or nicked JFK?: 3.

Were there any shooters on the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository?: No.

But wasn’t Oswald obsessed with JFK?: Yes.

Was he an American secret agent in Russia?: Yes.

Did LBJ have pre-knowledge of JFK’s shooting?: Yes.

Did Nixon?: No.

Did Hoover?: Yes.

Who participated principally?: Mafia and CIA, both all-in. Two sides of the same coin, their bad operators, their chosen paid sharpshooters.

How many shooters were Mafia?: One.

Other sharpshooters, however linked?: Two.

Any CIA shooters?: No.

Was Cord Meyer, Jr. one of the planners of the assassination (JFK slept with Meyer’s wife)?: Yes.

Was E. Howard Hunt one of the planners?: Yes.

Was Santo Trafficante, Jr., the Mob guy, a planner?: Yes.

Was Guy Bannister, a former Chicago FBI station chief, also a planner?: Yes.

Was the Corsican, Lucien Sarti, one of the shooters?: Yes. His specialties, drug trafficking and assassinations.

Were there any Cuban shooters?: No.

Was Oswald really anti-Castro?: Yes.

Was he in the CIA’s employ?: Yes.

As reported, was JFK’s IQ 119 and Oswald’s 117?: Yes. Oswald was quite adept at learning fluent Russian (trained by the Marines!) and adept at espionage. JFK’s gift was language and politics — and not much else; a “C” student whose famous book was ghost-written for him.

Did JFK expect to be assassinated?: Yes, considered it likely.

Were two recent assassination plots against him foiled, in Florida and Chicago?: Yes.

Did Jackie expect he might be assassinated?: No.

Did Onassis afterwards know the whole story?: Yes. Protected Jackie.

Was the Warran Commission a deliberate sham?: Yes. The Oswald rifle was planted at the sixth-story alleged shooter’s nest.

How many living Americans now believe it was a conspiracy?: 33%.

How many age 50 and above?: 55%

Where else does my intuition take me?: Can happen again.

Biden?: No.

Trump?: Yes.

The year he should be especially careful?: 2023.

My intuitions as text: Many related happenings. Death of a president again. Deep State. Manipulations. Of unpopular men. Note: back when, they even tried to kill FDR. Secrecy inside and outside of government is the problem. Evil men in evil places (positions). Most Americans are naïve of the workings of the secret cabals. Transparency in all is needed. Honest government.

How obtain it?: Shine a light on past happenings. Release all the JFK assassination info. Fire up the American people to clean up their government.

When will that happen?: Not in our lifetime. America not ready yet. Death within a year.

Name of the president?: . . . It will all happen again, manipulated events.

Could that event be prevented?: Via psychic sensing, followed by intervention and public disclosure about what it all means.

Anything else?: Be afraid. Be very afraid. See death again. No one deserves that . . . in a “free” country. Not freed at all by such a death. That’s anti-American. The light of truth must eventually prevail. Note: Biden and especially Trump are the most hated men in America.

Again, did Oswald want to kill JFK?: Yes! Make a name for himself. But he himself was an easy target, a patsy.

Did Jack Ruby know the assassination was coming?: Yes. Heard about it.

Did Ruby and Oswald know one another?: No.

Why did Ruby shoot Oswald?: To keep him from talking.

Was he ordered to shoot Oswald?: Yes. He was Mafia?: Yes. An informant or intelligence operative?: No. “D.C. ordered him to shoot Oswald [or else!].”

Did Oswald try to warn the FBI an assassination was being planned?: No. Oswald was a secret agent/informer, one not quite in the loop. Stoolie.

Where was Oswald during the shooting?: Watching the parade from the building entrance.

When did he figure out the assassination was being pinned on him?: Police radio, police looking for him.

Did he shoot Officer J. D. Tippit?: No. Oswald passed a paraffin test that he had not shot a gun, or anybody, that day, no gunpowder residue on his cheeks!

Did Oswald go home briefly after the event?: Yes.

Was the Dallas police chief in on it?: Yes. Event well-coordinated, military involved, etc.

Was Cronkite genuinely saddened (the tear), or being dramatic (in reporting the death)?: both.

Will the JFK files and story all be released, what’s left of it?: All by 2035.

Will the files reveal conspiracy: Hoover, Johnson, CIA, Mafia?: No. It’ll always be duck and cover, or conspiracy files secretly shredded.

Was Dorothy Kilgallen murdered for knowing too much and wanting to print it?: Surprisingly, no.

Did Marilyn Monroe know too much, and was murdered?: Became a liability.

Was Bobby Kennedy in on her murderer?: Yes. Was he there, in the room?: No.

Was JFK, Jr. murdered for wanting to expose the conspiracy in his mag called George?: Again, I got a no.

Was actor Woody Harrelson’s criminal father involved in the JFK conspiracy or shooting?: No. (Had bragged he killed Kennedy.) Was he in Dallas that day?: No.

Was George H. W. Bush involved as a conspirator?: No. Did he know of an assassination attempt to be that day?: No.

What else do we need to know?: Imagine a free country in which communication is open and free [I’m trying!]. Imagine light abandoning darkness. Imagine peace at home. A country is no better than its soul, its deficits. Freedom depends on the democratic participation of citizens united in purpose. God is in His “heaven,” within each of us. A new world is coming someday. Until then, be brave and hope. Value everyone, no matter how small in power or morally deficient. We’re all in this together. God is love.

Love (overcomes all obstacles),

Gene W. Edwards.

I’ll add this note. How did one man, using a cheap mail-order bolt action gun with a bad scope, get off three aimed shots in 6.2 seconds (impossible for anyone) through a Texas live oak in leaf, and from a significant distance, to shoot JFK in a moving car with multiple bullets, Arlen Specter’s “magic bullet” explanation? And Oswald was known to be a poor shot. Conclusion: conspiracy! If it was not Oswald, or Oswald alone, who shot JFK and why, and who sponsored, and benefited, from the event? Who all was involved? There were many players in this.

Last minute note: Washington (D.C.) written all over this. High crimes in high places. You are not supposed to know who, when, why, where, or how. Manipulated events. Be careful. Be very careful!

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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