Interview with Our Vampire!

Gene W. Edwards
2 min readMay 11, 2023


By Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 5/11/2023.

In town hall meeting in New Hampshire, just one day after Trump was found guilty of sexual abuse (he’s a sex addict) and defamation — predation! — Trump hit on all his politically incorrect high (low) points, the equivalent of he and his followers jumping off a tall building into a sea of hate or his shooting more than half the electorate in the foot. He’s still avers he:

· Won the 2020 election.

· Says E. Jean Carroll is a liar.

· Will pardon all but maybe “one or two” of the 1/6/2021 insurrectionists as “good, loving, people.”

· Will split up families at the border to punish them for wanting in.

· Believes he has total authority over any classified documents in his possession, and other memorabilia.

Never stopping short of incredulity and disgust, Trump, destitute of morality and truth, will continue attacking all his rivals and critics, sexually “attack” women whenever he wants to, marginalizes his political party, threaten Democrats over spending and the debt limit, and generally try to create a Civil War in America in which he is the new General Robert E. Lee, leading all of his minions and himself off a steep cliff of self-aggrandizement and perfidy. These are not patterns of behavior one should take lightly, indulgently — tolerantly. We have evil within our midst. The town hall Interview with Our Vampire proves who he is.

Presently in America there are two Americas. There are patriots who uphold our form of government, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. And on the other side of a line running right down the middle of our country is a mob of truth haters and dystopians who lack common decency, and who want to wreck the edifice of this democratic republic and substitute their leader and themselves as “all that matters,” put Trump on his pedestal.

In short, Trump is our devil, or anti-Christ, appealing to tens of millions of Americans’ worst instincts and doing with perfect aplomb and conviction. It is “I am your leader. Forget party. Forget truth. Even when I lose, I win and will represent you if you follow me and vaunt my style, in my attempts to be our nation’s first dictator.”

If you are a Republican, or just undereducated and clueless, are you okay with all that, or are you starting to have second thoughts? Legions of Trump voters are abandoning him by the minute. Drop him like a bad habit or you’ll get the bum’s rush.

Love (in a time of national war),

Gene W. Edwards

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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