Light Beer in Heavy LGBTQ Cans? By Gene W. Edwards. Posted, 7/4/2023.

Gene W. Edwards
2 min readJul 5, 2023


What do you make of the Bud Light (Anheuser-Busch) and Target culture wars saga? When trance woman, Dylan Mulvaney, went from man to woman and promoted Bud Light beer, all hell broke loose! Busch’s stock lost 27 billion dollars to date, even though Anheuser-Busch dumped her.

For several years, Target promoted transgender products during Gay Pride month — but “had” to give that up! Target’s stock took a nose-dive, or was it a nose gay? Take one look at Target’s one-year price charts.

He-men everywhere — the usual suspects — have been pushing their testosterone poisoning into everything and onto everybody, turning LGBTQ into a culture war — and trans right out the door.

In Russia, I heard, all those LGBTQ kids and adults are just “there.” No one makes a big deal out of it one way or the other. They/I assume it’s just their DNA “wiring.” Kid Rock doth protest too much, methinks — and he’s the one that kicked sex hottie/beauty Pamela Anderson out of bed. Now he just “shoots” (out) beer cans. I’d be mad too. Turn down the temperature, folks! Beer should be cool. It’s summer!

At Gay Pride parades, some celebrants chant “We want your children.” I don’t want all that stuff promoted. It’s between parents and their children, those discussions. It’s private, the sharing of privates between consenting adults. Only your hairdresser knows for sure?

Even though it’s barely summer, it’s political-hay season. The culture wars have many facets — and they’re all Zirconium. Weightier discussions should abound, over deficit spending, term limits, Russian aggression, China’s stealing our intellectual property and its snooping, Biden’s son’s, and Biden’s family’s, linkages, Trump’s demise staring us full in the face, A.I. trans-superiority, college expense and debt, inflation, so called climate change, and freedom of speech in an allegedly free society.

Just sweep the little stuff under the rug. Don’t pay it too much attention. Once we get past Kardashian-speak, the sky is the limit.

What do you think?


Gene W. Edwards.

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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