Member-only story
Luigi Mangione Profiled by Me.
As follows:
“He was aggravated by injury, physical and psychological, a youth in pain, an injury aggravated by a surfing injury incurred in Hawaii. He blamed the world, the American medical system, and United Health Care for their “don’t’ care” attitude, greed, and failure to satisfactorily and quickly relieve his suffering.”
His birth family was RICH! Why couldn’t or didn’t they help him?
“United Health Care, or some HMO, was his health care provider [and mine for over a decade]. The HMOs, etc., nickel and dime us to increase profits. He wanted everyone to know that.”
We were told he was brilliant, but also that his manifesto (of grievances) was full of spelling and writing errors.
“I say he had a barely-‘superior’-level IQ of 121 and a shallow, devious, superficial, and deluded mind; add, a persecution complex.”
Was he “wired wrong” by nature or nurture, a psychopath, yes or no?
“Yes! He loved to hide his grievances in plain sight and make his oppressors pay. He succeeded in doing so.”
What else do we need to know about him? I am profiling him in explanation.
“There was an undercurrent of paranoia in his personality construct; includes delusions of grandeur, of fame, he becoming a renowned agent of redress. A polished exterior belied psychological defect and character flaws, his mind obsessed with vendetta for real or imagined ‘injuries’.”