Migrants Go Home, See . . . (below)
Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 5/11/2023.
#!: Enact my “Title 43” where #42 left off: Migrants are in danger from disease, sexual assault, aggression, and being ripped off by coyotes. Furthermore, migrants must be vetted: criminal record; health concerns; identification. Only apply at your American embassy to be considered for entry.
#2: There are so many migrants now, camped out in border cities, its “almost like” Palestinians needing a (safe) homeland. They are people without a country, having left one but having no host country. They are in an endless limbo.
#3: If we were to stop most immigration, our economy would go to sleep. We need millions of legal immigrants working entry level jobs, etc., and paying taxes, to buoy up the demographics of our ageing population and many job openings. Immigrants also lower wages overall, which is deflationary.
#4: If wannabe Americans from south of our border, and elsewhere, believe they can gain access through our borders, in any manner, they’ll emigrate to it and play the game. If ALL of them are returned to apply at an American embassy in their country, that’s where a quota invitation can be extended to some.
#5 Do you allow complete strangers to break into your home, or do you vet all comers before you allow anyone access? The application process I described has nothing to do with those who traveled here. Send them back and place all applicants at the starting line. Some of them will get lucky
#6 The above are my thoughts (beliefs), but what does my intuition say about the whole situation? As follows: “Aliens are you. There is only one house and family. Extend mercy as needed. Welcome into America’s waiting arms. Millions needed here, if they’re willing to follow protocols.”
Gene W. Edwards
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