More Intuitions: Gold; King Chas.; W.W. III; Musk; Ukraine; DeSantis.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 5/9/2023.
I’m getting that gold will hit $3,400 a troy ounce this year, by or in August. Before the debt limit is raised. Big over budght in our House of Representatives.
Here’s another big prediction from me. King Charles III only reigns for just under six years. Suddenly dies in office. Heart. Prince William becomes king and reigns for 30 years. See, nothing changes. Everything remains the same. We all live and die . . . like clockwork, no matter how big or small.
I’ve been predicting it for a while now. World War III runs from 2029–2032. Tactical nukes will be used but not nation-destroying ICBMs. It’ll be the usual rogues-gallery authoritarian nations — China, Russia, Iran, etc. — vs. the West. Started by China taking Taiwan. Dangerous alliances!
Ron DeSantis is anti-everything. He is probably even anti-pasto. If he were from Pennsylvania, he’d come out foursquare against Hershey’s Kisses. Mickey and Minnie Mouse may not be lawfully married or don’t do sex right, and they don’t even own AR-15s, they shouldn’t vote, etc.
Today in London it rained, and King Charles III reigned. The horses pulling his gold chariot were reined. Rainy Day Women were all over the place (except Meghan). “Long live the reign,” the people shouted. Prince Rainier would have said the same thing.
Gene W. Edwards.
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I am one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors and interesting writers!