My Prediction Regarding Hurricane Idalia: By Gene. Posted 8/29/2023 at 10:30 A.M on Facebook.
I predicted Hurricane Hilary would only be a 3 out of 10, 10 being the worst. Hilary, on USA soil, only dropped 2”-3” of rain in most measuring stations, winds modest, storm not hurricane; some flooding/some mudslides.
I’m predicting Idalia will be a 6 out of 10, which is pretty bad. I believe the storm surge (waves; tide) will hit 10’+ on part of the Gulf side of Florida, lots of inland flooding on the pull of the full moon!
I get the words “Open season!” regarding the rest of this year’s hurricanes hitting the USA. This is an El Nino year, which Wikipedia describes as follows: “El Niño affects the global climate and disrupts normal weather patterns, which as a result can lead to intense storms in some places and droughts in others.”
I previously described a huge hurricane still coming, closer to November. It’s a 9 out of 10, one that hits three or four states. Think Katrina. Most hurricanes and storm systems are only also-rans, are hardly memorable. Not so this year. At least one giant one is coming!
My specialties are socio-political, natural health, humor, writing, money, life wisdom, education, intuition, psychic prediction and precognition, vision(ary), metaphysics, mysticism, ideas, concepts, and re-combinative thinking. I am also proficient in arithmetic, general pattern recognition, general problem solving, and logic.
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Gene W. Edwards is one of the USA’s and world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, and interesting, relevant, and best writers!