My Psychic Readings on a Number of Situations. Includes Years 2023–2100. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 6/26/2023.
Regarding the Titanic submersible: Blew up from water pressure; like opening a window on an airliner going 600 knots per hour. One 7”-thick window blew in, causing an implosion. Capsule poorly tested. Greed. Reenactment of what happened 111 years ago. Submersible planners clueless of level of danger.
Edgar Cayce in a dream visited NYC in the year, or near the year, 2100. The city was rebuilding from being devastated. By what?: Tsunami from the Canary Islands’ collapse of a volcano there toppling into the Atlantic Ocean.
How much will sea levels rise by the year 2100?: Two feet. They have only risen some 8” since the 1700s industrial revolution began.
Will the USA experience the collapse of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency?: Yes. In 2025; just around the corner. Run on banks, bank failures. National debt too high. Watch cash disappear, central bank currencies take its place. Death of the dollar.
Will the USA split into some five pieces from civil war/insurrections?: Year 2030, world involved in World War III, 2029–2032. This country overrun by armament/troops. You’ll see it happen. Washington loses its grip. United States fragmented into regional but cooperating countries within its borders.
Big quake in L.A., predicted by Edgar Cayce to be much bigger than the San Francisco quake in 1906, when?: 2034, 9.0 in L.A. Huge losses of life and property.
Will the Hall of Records below the Great Sphinx be found, the records of human civilization up to the date of its construction, etc.?: 2034.
What about UFO/E.T. disclosure?: Federal government will never disclose much of the whole story, but more and more people will find evidence supporting the big picture.
At what point will 50% or more of Americans believe in UFOs/E.T.s?: 2024.
When will science be able to explain gravity and be able to rocket faster than the speed of light?: 2035.
2024 election results?: Biden wins. Democrats win 55 seats (includes independents who side with the Democrats) out of 100 in the Senate. The Democrats win 234 of the 435 seats in the House, giving them a majority by 16 seats. Biden is harassed by an 8 out 10 level of political investigation over Hunter Biden between now and then. I was wrong before. After jailbird Trump “drops out” in the fall of 2023, another Republican candidate for president in 2024 is chosen.
Explain World War III 2029–2032): Watch China take Taiwan. View death and destruction from authoritarian powers’ land grabs. Watch USA/Europe cease in peace and prosperity. Watch Europe cease to exist [[politically; NATO/E.U., NATO]. Collapsed money system. Watch death of freedom as we know it. See death of billions. War exhausts everyone and everything. See death of communist China, devastated by war. Death of Europe as we know it. USA faces anarchy from within. Little money, food, etc. Armed citizenry. Watch communism be defeated by the West. War ends when everyone is exhausted.
Anything else at this time?: Life goes on, some mercifully taken (die) before all the chaos. Gene W. Edwards can predict the future.
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
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