My Take on Current Political Events, Including Intuitions by Me. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 9/10/2023.

Gene W. Edwards
4 min readSep 10, 2023


A number of years ago, when Ron DeSantis was a JAG officer at Guantanamo, he allegedly was so handsome women associates almost swooned over him. Not to be outdone, Donald Trump, about that time, thought he was so handsome . . . he swooned over himself!

Catch and release does not pertain to fish for Donald Trump. He catches and releases lawyers. They can’t be too small, too large, or out of season: for what he wants, done his way. Many of them take the bait but cannot keep it (be paid by Trump or kept, not thrown back).

I’m not being graphic or exaggerating when I say all the Republicans want to BBQ all the Democrats, and all the Democrats want to BBQ all the Republicans. Talk about barbie! What’d wrong with that picture? Are both parties gaslighting the other one?


The likeable but flawed Mark Meadows and a few others, many of them lawyers, were willing to sell out or commit illegalities in order to retain Trump’s approval (including to avoid his rage) and be paid. None of 18 in trouble in Georgia have received even one nickel from Trump to help with their legal expenses, typically of one million dollars each. Trump is too busy promoting himself so he could collect donations to meet his own legal costs.

All of Trump’s co-defendants should try to make a deal, at this late date, maybe get off with a year or two in a Georgia prison (no picnic!). This could be a kind of class action on those 18’s part vs. Trump — but all 19 defendants (includes Trump) are headed for some prison time. Additionally, there are 30 co-defendants who escaped indictment — many of whom squealed. GA would save a considerable amount of money if only Trump is left, pleading innocent and up for jury trial, vs. early sentencing/plea deals from the others — all pointing to Trump.

Because now the trial is not scheduled until March 2024 (speedy trial?), one still wonders if some of the 18 individually will sing like a canary in a GA coal mine and thereby escape trial and conviction?! Like they say, it’s not over until the fat (with evidence) defendants sing, pin Trump to the prosecutors’ mat. Prosecutors and defendants are always looking for deals, plea bargains. You can always get a deal at the plea market. Buy a booth now.


Next, we come to our nation’s 14th amendment. It states that one who has promoted, aided, or abetted an insurrection against the USA must be removed for office, and/or is ineligible to run for any public office. That includes not only Trump but Trump-minded congressmen, senators, and judges, such as the 147 of that crowd who piled-on on a petition saying the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. In other words, applying the amendment could result in political carnage mostly among the MAGA crown, the Make Trump Great Again crowd. They need Trump to be reelected. Opposing him means they’re out. And of course Trump needs them.

A total of six Colorado Republicans and citizens are bringing suit here in my state, CO, hoping our secretary of state, Jena Griswold, will remove Trump from the prospective 2024 ballot for president — but first our nation’s Supreme Court must approve. Several other states may follow suit, join CO. Below, I’ll use my intuition to look at the prospect of Trump being removed from running by the Supreme Court. As follows:

Will any initiative, from an array of charges, preclude Trump from running for office?: No.

Will that issue reach our nation’s Supreme Court (or barring that, Diana Ross, a Supreme), brought by several states’ attorneys general?: YES! –but the vote on our high court will be six against, three for, conservatives vs. liberals . . . so the initiative will fail to gather any national traction. It will be dead in the water. Throwing “them” out — Trump and many of his — would create a national furor and possibly a new insurrection: THE new hot button issue!

The various legal charges against Trump have stopped just short of indicting him with insurrection or seditious conspiracy, though Trump, and Trump alone, was the titular head of all the efforts to insert him as head of our government, overturning the democratic/republic will of the people.

Trump skates.

Not to worry. GA, NY, and DC will fry Trump’s goose.

End of story.



Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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