Nine Predictions from Me about the 2024 General Election.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 6/.6/2023.
I’ve been making two predictions, the first for months, the last for a while. (1) I’ve predicted Donald Trump drops out as a political candidate in September or October of 2023, leaving the field open for another contestant. (2) And I predicted that man will be former N.J. governor Chris Christie.
(3) Christie will probably enter the race in the next couple of days, and he promises to go after Trump tooth and nail, both onstage in debates and on the campaign trail. Christie is a brilliant debater. Trump just a junk yard dog who terrorizes anyone who criticizes him in his domain or injures his giant narcissistic ego. (4) Christie is bigger than Trump and will pin him to the mat.
But I (5) also predict Christie will lose to Biden in 2024. Aah, for sure, Biden is unpopular. He’s as equally unpopular as Trump, both only approved by 40% of the voters, say polls ( The Republicans are vulnerable on the abortion issue and all their culture wars negativity. Also expect a lower turnout in 2024. I predict a close race.
The winner in 2024 will need 270 or more Electoral College votes. (6) I predict 290 for Biden, 248 for Christie. In 2020, 81 million voted for Biden, 74 for Trump (although two Trump votes were not counted; ha). (7) I predict a quite tepid 134 million votes in 2024, compared to 2020’s 155 million. (8) I predict a total of three million third-party votes. Here’s the deal: (9) “Biden’s competence beats Christie’s bluster.” I got those words by intuition, “Biden proved he can deliver. Biden will win.”
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
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