No “Get Out of Jail Free” Card for Trump.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 4/1/2023.
As an intuitive psychic, I received the following words yesterday: “Federal charges on Trump. Jail time coming.”
I also sense that as of October of 2023, he drops out of sight. He would, otherwise, enter jail, probably in December, for a total jail time — accumulating this year and next year from the various cases and jurisdictions against him — of some 10 years,
As of this time, Trump still has the huge DOJ case against him, headed by Jack Smith, and Georgia’s investigation of his obvious election interference, jail time on one or both adding to what a Manhattan jury and judge will give him from the upcoming jury trial there. All these will take time, an appeals process, etc. It will eat up months just selecting a jury for each trial and hearing the exhaustive testimony in each. If you remember Watergate, this is all tedious, negative, exhaustive, and unavoidable, certain in conclusion. Trump is guilty as sin and everyone should know it by now, or soon will.
Trump is quite blustery and threatening these days. His former attorney, Michael Cohen, says Trump is having a meltdown, is TERRIFIED of jail, and disgrace! Both are coming to Trump, in spades. Whether you like or dislike Trump, the law is the wolf at his door, wanting in. No one in America is above the law. All this must play out in broad public view, for months and months. We just entered spring.
I will leave you to draw your own conclusions about what I am saying, above. All this winds down to “zero” in October, probably mid-October. I am threatening no one; I’m just telling what is around the bend.
I’ll add this: If Trump were smart, he would start looking immediately for a country to move to that’s willing to take him in under political asylum. He should privately make those arrangements and then, posthaste, move there without notice. He would need to divest his holdings enough to stay out of our country or face imprisonment here, but still live in the large in his new country X — he’s age 76 now — perhaps living out his life there as rich as a lord! In my lifetime, I’ve seen a number of despots or politically unpopular national leaders or citizens jump ship and take asylum, people prominent enough to become men or women without a country, the country of their nativity, but willing thereby to take root elsewhere, stay out of sight and therefore out of mind to us. Problem solved.
Post this one on your refrigerator.
Posted 4/1/2023.
Gene W. Edwards is the world’s best intuitive psychic about the past, present, and future. I post on Facebook and on my blog: Medium is a giant blogging-host website.