Now You See Him, Now You Don’t.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 6/6/2023.
Biden is always falling down. Twice just lately on national T.V.
When Biden is making a speech, he is not falling down.
When Biden is not making a speech, he falls down.
The upshot of these occurrences is,
The Republicans chortle with delight when Biden falls down (they say he’s senile, etc.).
But the Republicans hate it when he makes a speech . . . and he is not falling down.
The Democrats love it when Biden makes a speech. They don’t care how many times he falls down after he makes a speech (“What difference?”)
Now if Biden falls down while making a speech, that would be news. That he falls down when not making a speech is irrelevant, inconsequential, and overruled — the Democrats say.
Is Biden falling down “on the job”? He says, “Just watch me.” Fall down? I saw that. Republicans would have him falling down 24/7. They get a kick out of Democrat jackasses tumbling end over end. But Republican elephants have selective memory. When Biden is making a speech, or accomplishing something, they turn him off. They say that pop has lost his fizz. I guess they haven’t observed his mediational ability to get things done.
On Saturday Night Live, Chevy Chase made his career by mocking President Ford’s frequent falling. Ford was dyslexic and Biden’s a stutterer. Both were/are, at times, dis-coordinated. And our two parties are hardly cooperative either. They’re always falling down on our job. Biden less than most.
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