Oppenheimer Leaves Us. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 7/24/2023.
Oppenheimer, the movie, is a must-see for every world citizen. Why? In the entire second half of the three-hour movie, J Robert Oppenheimer (he had no first name, just an initial) tried to tell us that The Bomb was, for all, a horrible mistake that could end humanity. Yes, Oppenheimer leaves us, and then we all leave — in the final act . . . not in the movie but in the future?!
Oppenheimer’s nemesis, Edward Teller, was just as brilliant but bent on creating the super-bomb, the H-bomb, the one that threw the arms race into high gear post World War II.
It took Oppenheimer three years to develop the first atom bomb, the A-bomb, two of them — but let’s do the math! That means that the whole Los Alamos, NM arm of the Manhattan Project started in 1942, a scant few months after Pearl Harbor and during Germany’s war heyday.
I’ve heard that almost all of the 4,000 — or was it 6,000? — scientists at Los Alamos were Jewish. They were looking to bomb Hitler. Japan was already on is knees by the time we dropped two big ones, and Hitler was on his last legs. In any case, Japan surrendered just six days after Nagasaki was bombed. The land of the sun, Japan, was bombed by a facsimile of the sun in flash power, the power contained an explosive succession of atoms.
We see the Trinity, NM experimental blast, as represented in the movie. You will never forget that scene! It is man exercising the power of God. And that man was Oppenheimer, the hero of the West — for a moment.
I disagree that the movie’s villain was Lewis Strauss, the head of the Atomic Energy Commission, Neither was it Edward Teller. It was, instead (drum roll), . . . President Harry Truman, a psychopathic banty rooster shortie of a man with no heart. Roosevelt, Truman, Churchill, and Stalin deliberately bombed hundreds of thousands of civilians in civilian cities to dispirit their enemies, particularly on Germany and Japan. Geneva Convention common humanity back then? No way! Truman couldn’t wait to drop the bomb, was ready to counter anything Soviet, Japanese, or German, didn’t foresee an arms race, and disdained Oppenheimer’s weakness and guilt as “wimpy” and even un-American, as did the Red Scare patriots so willing to paint Oppenheimer as a communist traitor to America, because Oppenheimer wanted atomic peace, not atomic readiness for — someday — instant H-bomb war! During the alleged “war to end all wars,” WW II, Germans and Japanese, and Soviets too, were hardly even viewed as human, any of them!
And now I will attempt to use my intuition to reveal the truth to you about the whole Oppenheimer, arms race, end game scenario. Here goes:
You [me] painted the big picture aright. Death viewed lightly then, as if it didn’t matter. Communism on the march then, after fascism. Watch World War III occur before you know it! [I’ve predicted 2029–2032.]
Tell me about J. Robert Oppenheimer?: A man for all seasons, enormously gifted! Drawn upon to destroy the Japanese. Zealotry abounded, to teach the Japanese a lesson and scare the world into submission! The A-bomb of/by/through Oppenheimer only quickened the end to a war almost at its close. Japan was on its last legs. Death abounded there. Hopelessness.
Understand that the object of war is to create chaos rather than solve diplomatic or greed issues. War creates more war. Any peace is only temporary; it just pushes war off into the future. An ex-world waits in the wings, We’ll see Death again soon.
Oppenheimer tried to tell us, bigger bombs do not peace make. Bigger bombs could bring an end to mankind if we’re not careful. Bigger bombs [many bombs] could utterly devastate our planet of all life.
Understand death for what it is. Fear war, don’t pursue war. War is hell. In the end, mankind will learn the ways of peace. In the meantime, more hard lessons await, particularly in those countries that wage war without conscience or vision. Fear war and live. Wage war and die. What’s so hard to understand about that?
Await the spiritualization of the planet when its people have had enough of war. That time is many centuries off. Value spirituality above all else. You [me] can teach the people a better way, the way of love. Understand the ways of God and all else will be added unto you, death from war no more. Your heart must be pure. You are warning the reader to not get caught up in war talk and war preparations and activity. High consciousness quells war. Value love, not conscienceless valor. All victors lose. What value is there in waging war if war cannot solve problems?
The bomb of Oppenheimer can be seen for how powerful it is. It is awe inspiring. Death isn’t cool. Oppenheimer turned away from his own folly. That’s what he wants you to know!
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive psychic predictors, using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
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