Gene W. Edwards
4 min readMay 1, 2023

Poll Weevils.

By Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 4/30/2023.

I believe I heard that only 6% of Americans want Biden and Trump on the same ticket. The two are about as popular as a bedbug or a boll weevil, even within their own party. The only pollster I trust is, which “aggregates” (averages) all polls together. According to Nate Silver’s 538, today, Biden’s disapproval rate is 52.5, approval 43%. Trump’s disapproval poll is 54.2, approval 42.1. Their age is one of the chief objections of voters to either running.

The above stats also mean that fewer than 5% of those polled have not made up their mind (52.5% + 43% = 95.5%, or 4.5% uncertain, and 54.2% + 43% = 97.2%, or 3.8% uncertain, Don’t expect much of a turnout on 11/8/2024 — General Election Day — if Trump is running against Biden, and don’t expect much of a turnout if Biden is running against — my prediction — Chris Christie. I predict voter turnout in 2024 will be 90% of 2020’s, and that 10% drop-off is still millions of people underwhelmed by our nation’s leadership in Congress and the White House.

The following are simply my “observations” (I value intuition most, if not exclusively):

· What do Americans want from their top brass? Fiscal responsibility, not political pork and reckless, not covered by tax, spending. Not being blindsided by runaway inflation.

· A non-interventionist foreign policy (“Avoid entangling alliances!”), not wars or provocations in Korea, Iran, Russia/Ukraine, and Taiwan/China all at once, or soon down the road. I have been predicting world war (III!) in 2029.

· Americans want to be free to make their own health decisions, not mandates, whether they are wise or foolish in their choices, now, post-COVID, and in the future.

· Our egress from Afghanistan was a P.R. disaster and a betrayal of our allies stuck inside it. Biden inherited the situation from Trump but doubled down in leaving a power vacuum rather than performing a measured, cautious withdrawal, leaving a retaliatory occupying force checking terrorism sponsored by, or fomenting within, Afghanistan.

· Americans want powerful, youthful, courageous, looking-to-tomorrow leadership, such as JFK’s or President Macron’s in France.

· Americans want an America-first Congress, not an America-last Congress, one subservient to its members’ personal enrichment.

· The border issue and immigration has been mishandled for a century. We need immigrants, but we need LEGAL immigrants, and a reasonable and quick path of citizenship for the 12+ million — several generations — of “illegals” already here.

· We want honest trade deals that enrich Americans, not exploitations by rich corporations and individuals, and not security breaches foisted upon us by political enemies seeking intel and who are economic rivals stealing our intellectual property and requiring majority ownership of each American factory in their country: China! Much of the labor force around the world that is making products for us is underpaid and overworked, totally contrary to what we require here, which is workplace standards and a viable pathway to success and quality of life, a living wage and benefits.

· Our allopathic medical industry (M.D.) is fraught with propaganda, monopoly, peril, and greed, and many of its medical practices, and its FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, act contrary to nature, treating only symptoms rather than fostering the human body and its immune system to thrive through natural health education/practices. We need a birth to death comprehensive, effective, serviceable, national health insurance and an open-field medical industry, each modality’s compensation based on results.

· Our form of government is a corporatocracy, not a democratic republic. We need term limits and a closed-and-locked revolving door between politics and personal enrichment from it. We should only permit statesmanlike public service.

· Our national debt is equal to 158 rows of $100 bills laid end-to-end from the earth to the moon! We need a simplified tax system, structured to eventually pay back all that debt! America is enslaved by debt! Trump’s tax cuts went too far. The capital gains tax needs to be increased. There should be a tax on all stock transactions. All three of those increases should go to pay back public debt, each yearly budget — the rest of it — in balance. Every expenditure we have should be examined for necessity, and tax should cover each of all those yearly-budget financial commitments.

· Americans do not want politicians in our pants (private lives) or in our pockets, government constantly growing. We want a necessary minimum of regulation and red tape. Make America the land of opportunity, not bureaucracy.

· Lastly: an end to secrecy! Open the doors to all the marvelous breakthroughs within the wedding of our military and industrial complex that they are withholding from the public. Why don’t we (do we?) still (1) understand gravity (thus permitting interstellar space travel), (2) have almost-free green (clean; non-polluting) energy for all purposes, (3) full disclosure of the E.T. presence, and (4) a streamlined patent process for all, not just for greedy corporations, (5) all federal government regulations easy, quick, and limited to essentials?! Each of these is as important as a Manhattan Project and/or are disclosures as important as life on earth itself.

— Gene.

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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