Potpourri, and a Prediction or Two.
By Gene W. Edwards.
I’m predicting that Herschel Walker will lose by at least 4% on December 6 to Senate incumbent Raphael Warnock, a resounding loss in that distinctly Republican state, giving the Democrats 51 Senate seats plus the VP’s vote when needed. Walker’s nomination was suggested by Trump and Walker’s being trounced at the box office of public opinion can be pinned on Donald Trump who, at this very moment, is being put out to pasture. Yeah, that Senate election is in just two days.
Now we come to the curious case of Alec Baldwin, curious because he’s done everything but take full responsibility, apologize, and spend maybe 40 million dollars of his own money from his 70-million-dollar fortune to settle all the lawsuit against him to put it all behind him — which would be the right thing to do.
Here’s what no one discusses about the case. It was a Freudian slip! It was done accidentally on purpose, planned by his own unconscious mind. Freud first identified that phenomenon in one of his monographs (essays), the most interesting of all of his work. Baldwin pulled the trigger because he wanted to get something big off his mind, or he knew he needed a drastic makeover to change the course of his life and character. For instance, he was one of the first entries in Jeff Epstein’s black book. Yeah, that suggests he is a degenerate. I did not say he is not a talented actor, and I would look forward to the completion of the movie Rust, would go see it — but he won’t be in it, not until they amputate his trigger finger! Alec Baldwin denying he pulled the trigger in 2021 on the set of the movie Rust is tantamount to Trump saying he won the election in 2020 and that did not foment an insurrection in 2021. These are stupid lies.
I recently reread Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes story, The Hound of the Baskervilles. His Sherlock Holmes four books sold a total of 60 million copies. Each is a real treat of an almost miraculous level of ratiocination and Doyle’s acute sensory memory and observation. Doyle was the Ken Jennings of his day. Hound is a long book, and it’s more Halloweenish than plausible. Still, it’s a nail biter.
Most don’t know Doyle had many psychopathic traits, sufficient to make him, still, a suspect in London’s Jack the Ripper case. This is probably a historical echo, not a reality — but he got into many fights as a young man, dissembled often (a manipulator), and was even thrown out of schools. As a doctor in training, he was brilliant and FAST at surgery, like H. H. Holmes, the Chicago con artist and serial killer. Doyle could easily have mimicked the Ripper’s m. o., assuming it wasn’t him. Though rather scrawny when he was a young schoolkid, he was always quite strong and athletic. He could easily shimmy up a drainpipe to the top of a building in a London fog, as a young man around age 30 — to escape pursuers. He traveled to and was in London during the times of the Ripper incidents.
His wife was one of the leading mystics/mediums of his time, and he and his wife were dear friends of Houdini the magician. Houdini, however, was obsessed with exposing every medium as a fraud, and Houdini did not believe Arthur Conan Doyle’s wife successfully brought Houdini’s mother to him in her medium’s trance. None of the mediums of his day could convincingly do so. This resulted in the two friends having a permanent falling out.
I also read The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. A real treat, my choice as the great American novel. It sold very poorly in Fitzgerald’s time, to his great disappointment. Since then, it has been purchased 30,000,000 times, and still is 500,000 times each year. I suspect Gatsby’s obsession with the book’s ingenue, Daisy, was because she was a stand-in for Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda, who gave him quite a run for his money. She died insane and he of alcoholism. They both cheated on one another. Their lives were not much different from that of Dylan Thomas and his wife, Caitlin. Gatsby is really a kind of condemnation of the Roaring Twenties’ gilded age of robber barons, excess, post-war romanticism, and an anything goes mentality of optimism, adventure, and self-delusion. The book was published in 1925, right in the middle of Prohibition. Gatsby wasn’t clean. That was part of the story.
I have come to the conclusion that . . . Republicans want a minimization of taxes and the preservation of their wealth. They like, for instance, the 15% capital gains tax, and they hate the graduated income tax. They claim they want to preserve our freedoms, yet they take them away. They also couldn’t care less about our national debt. They all need to read Davy Crockett’s philosophy of gov’t. No better treatise has ever been written about limited government. Read “Not Yours to Give,” here: https://fee.org/resources/not-your-to-give/
It’s maybe a 20-minute read, and quite convincing/powerful! One should reread it once a year. Republican presidential aspirant Congressman Ron Paul echoed some of that book’s sentiments. Throwing money at every social need, downturn, and catastrophe . . . doesn’t work in the long run. It’s a self-feeding automaton that gets bigger and bigger.
As for Democrats, they have a socialist imperative, of looking after the whole. They’re not much interested in entrepreneurship or laissez fair capitalism. Rather, they tax and spend, spend and tax. It’s true. These days they’re pushing their Green Agenda and the New World Order. I will address those illusions a bit, below.
As negative as the Republicans are these days, their “Let’s stay and home and mind our own business” mindset is preferable in the polling booth to Democrats’ progressive Big Brother politics.
Oh, here’s Herschel: me parodying him and his comments about air. As follows:
“My name is Herschel Walker and I want your vote. As a famous athlete, the air in Congress is mine. It travels on the Democrat side, but it also travels to the Republican side. We all breathe the same air [here I mock a JFK speech].
“It is what is in the air that got two of my girlfriends pregnant. Their legs were in the air. Later, they put their heels in stirrups so medics could suck, out of their bulging midriff, the little me’s inside. This experience was, to me, holy. Yea.
“I threaten people and beat people because life is football. Now I’ll beat Warnock.
“I deeply regret being politically illiterate, but I will do pushups and sit-ups on the Senate floor to prove I am a contributing member of that distinguished body, though I am quite witless in all other ways.
“I will gladly support any Republican bill, no matter how wrong-headed. I am endorsed by, and will forever follow, Donald Trump, even unto the gates of hell. Yeah, he’ll be there to greet me. General Sherman burned down Atlanta, and I promise to help Trump burn down the Republican Party until Trump can fix it. Yeah, vote 4 me.”
On a serious note, I’ll intuitively evaluate Trump at this time. As follows:
· Lost power.
· On the decline.
· Negative endorsements (his endorsement is a kiss of political death).
· Smaller crowds attending his rallies.
· The highly educated don’t want him.
· Devastating lawsuits coming his way, federal suits from the DOJ, etc.
· He’s going to prison.
· He’s practicing delaying tactics.
We need legal immigrants all over this country ASAP. Their presence and work, most for low wages, dampens inflation. We need them to pay taxes and fund Social Security. Presently, there are nationally almost two jobs open for every applicant and employers are over a barrel. They can pay $15 and more an hour for entry-level workers and still can’t fill those open jobs with dependable people, or fill them at all! I am totally against new illegal immigrants at the border (return them pronto) but would provide those twelve-some million already here amnesty and a quick, reasonable, path to full citizenship, not just provisional residence in the USA, or deportation.
All prospective citizens of America should apply at an American embassy in their country. Once coming to America is granted — and we need millions of new citizens — it is their job to make it to our border with their permit. From there, we could sponsor transportation for them to the city of their choice. Cities and companies that desperately need workers could sponsor them and transport them there. This is a bread-and-butter practical need and responsibility, the USA to find and absorb the ambitious, the downtrodden, those seeking political asylum from personal danger in their home country, and those who have emigrated from countries aflame from war, etc. We need millions willing to work at the grunt jobs Americans don’t want — as the immigrants work their way up the social and economic ladder. No job in America should go unfilled.
Republican chemotherapy. The Democrats are moving in the direction of progressive socialism and One World Government. They want smart cities, almost no traffic in them, all-electric cars, and United Nations’ suggested supervision over our culture and its international goals in banking and commerce (U.N. Agenda 2030, etc.), control all over the place! They want an international digital currency. They want controlling rulership over our daily lives. Some Republicans want to block and bar the door to those excesses. We may not like some of those nay-sayers — DeSantis, Cruz, etc. — but their negative dominance is now needed in our political process.
Yeah, they’re just as bad as the Democrats in wanting to abuse our freedoms, in their case to vote, to abort, etc. The Democrats still have enough power to largely curtail Republican excesses and power grabs based on political ambition and demagogic rhetoric. And what’s wrong with “Made in America”? Why are we beholden to other nations’ organizations, factories, and agendas?
“C Day” is set to be 12/13/2022. In less than two weeks, our nation plans to kick off a movement on our planners’ “C Day” to start changing our paper/coin currency — all financial transactions — into a digital currency. There will be financial incentives for the first guinea pigs. China, India, and some other countries are already largely on the cashless path. This is a case of international bankers’ and nations’ central banks issuing the equivalent of their own cryptocurrency — digital currency — under national or international control. They’ll soon have you by the short hairs! This will be a control mechanism if you step out of line. Americans like freedom, celebrate freedom! That includes free commerce, freedom of movement, and the freedom to politically protest and question everything. It includes freedom of speech, person, etc.: the Bill of Rights. Don’t let them slip away . . . or you may become cashless (have no access to the financial system).
Love (but Georgia on my mind),
Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 12/4/2022.
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