Predictions Galore about Ukraine.

Gene W. Edwards
6 min readDec 5, 2022


By Gene W. Edwards.

I’ve discussed Ukraine, Europe, Russia, NATO, and the USA with you before. This is an unholy witch’s brew of entangling alliances, turf wars, cheapskate countries, proxy war (ours), ineffective sanctions, and exploitive politics and economics. Europe doesn’t want to pay for that war, which is in a non-NATO country, so they have us do their dirty work.

For those reasons, and with fractious Europe so naturally far away, I don’t think we should be in NATO at all, or Ukraine at all. Yeah, it’s all about Russian aggression and appeasement. It’s also about NATO’s encirclement of Russia and it’s also about Western Europe absorbing Ukraine into its orbit financially, etc., until stopped short.

We’ve spent an amount on our proxy war with Russia that could have been spent feeding, clothing, and temporarily sheltering all our many homeless. I suggest Americans offended with Russia should volunteer there, and Americans who want to help privately could buy arms and drones to assist Ukrainians. How about paying for a drone to send over there with your name on it? A Frenchman, Lafayette, helped us in our Revolutionary War. Private-citizen Jewish Americans send money to help Israel in its wars and defense efforts to sustain it existence. But I do not believe our country should be involved in that powder keg slaughterhouse toe tagged as Ukraine vs. Russia, Russia vs. NATO, or “America looks like a billfold; let America fight for us and let’s have them pay for most of the war.” But see both below and my next blog on this subject.


Now I’m going to tread onto forbidden waters, hoping we all don’t sink. There is a lot of evil afoot these days in the public mind and in international events. It’s Armageddonish; it seems end timesish. Talk show host Clyde Lewis has a Ouija Board guest on from time to time, whose previous global predictions came true. Now the voice says radiation is coming to Ukraine, contaminating the land and people, thanks to the upcoming use of nuclear arms or nuclear accidents there. People starving, cold. Europe also cold, agitated. Troops moving. As Kipling wrote, “(Boots — boots — boots — boots, movin’ up and down again!)” . . . “An there’s no discharge in the war!”

Add to this the voice of David John Oates’s reverse speech “technology” and the word “Armageddon” now showing up in reverse speech passages, from many speakers. It never showed up before. Rumors now of World War III, a Euro war, one already well under way. It’s like the whole planet is in a zeitgeist of misery and spite — of negative expectation, exploitation, and assault. Also watch for horrible catastrophic events in 2023: climate meltdowns, etc. Going green (politics) isn’t enough, though we all need to plant trees.


What do I really think? I previously wrote you I intuit that Putin has cancer and will die from it relatively soon, an event ending the war. I’m either quite right or dead wrong! Meanwhile, here comes this passage direct from my intuition:

“I still get the Putin part [upcoming cancer and death], and also Russia holding a larger part of Ukraine than Crimea, but the Armageddon part is simply wrong. Russia will soon come to regret Putin’s war of greedy savagery. Putin’s cancer ends an era. Imagine, instead, heartfelt joy at the prospect of new beginnings (not old endings). Aid comes to Ukraine. Like it did to Europe (some of it from us) after World War II. Failure of Putin to grab what is not his. PP: Putin punished. Death of fear. God is in His heaven. All is well with the world.”

I’ve been critical of our participation in the war vs. Russia in Ukraine, Biden’s globalism, Europe depending on us, not paying its way, NATO provoking Russia in the first place, etc. Let’s see what my intuition comes up with regarding the whole matter. As follows:

“God has dealt a blow to Russia. God hates fear. Europe could have avoided this war. Death-fear from war remembered, W. Wars I and II. History repeating. High fear of joining fight. If USA aids, Europe off the hook. Russian Federation aggression defeated by an ally — again! Not our job. Compromises will be sought, a graceful defeat after winter. High death toll in Europe. Refugees everywhere. Constant reminders of instability of NATO, keeping Russia contained. Carnage is over by February. Back to business as usual. Zelenskyy understands Federation. It backs down, backs away. Drones combating Russia everywhere in Ukraine. Death of Putin coming. Russian people demand end of war. Change coming inside Russia. Europe punished enough. World War III averted by America’s participation. Only cost is a tiny part of our economy. World safer now. Biden was right. We ARE our brother’s keeper.”

I add. “Russia abandons Donbas, keeps Crimea and some of the Aral Sea and Black Sea seacoast. Strategic game-pieces. Considered an enemy in all of Ukraine now. Eventually driven out, boundaries sealed.”

I asked myself, “Will Ukraine eventually join NATO? Will other former possessions of Russia be endangered by Russia, like Ukraine was?” Answer: “Russia on the defensive now, not offensive. A period of mourning and retracement. Land grabs over for now. Concentrates on its own economy. Taught a lesson about resistance. Acts conciliatory. Needs to sell its goods. Losses high. Europe stabilized. God oversees nations and justice. Evolution over the long term. God fears not. Love conquers fear. Love Russia. Love Ukraine. Devotion to God evolves suffering mankind. Change coming.”

I had to also ask myself the following. Does a nuclear radiation accident or attack spill radiation onto Ukraine’s land, dangerous level, causing deaths and wasted land? Answer:

“Wintertime attack has deadly consequences. Millions leave, swarm all over Europe, etc. All bets are off. Sanctions not working, Europe freezing, economic stranglehold of diminished energy, travel, and markets. Only Putin’s health news brings possible change. God educates the world about karma. Catastrophic developments. Hope feels impossible. Huge losses on both sides. Huge energy spill from a damaged reactor. Anger against Putin rampant, worldwide. High radiation in Ukraine. Large swaths of land laid waste. Who would want that Ukraine? Russians burning bridges behind them. Ignorance = accidents. Death of millions, including Russians. War gives way to peace. Everyone tired. Rather like the end of World War I. Armistices. Lay guns down, go home. Killing over. Bad decision. Judge not, love more. Let bygones be bygones, not war trials. Relax and regroup, within your own, not others’, boundaries. Death has a way of educating. Including Putin’s this next spring. Love keeps no score. Healing begins.”

Anything else? “Biden condemnation coming in Congress. Biden family dirty laundry re influence peddling in Ukraine and China, family profit. Cover ups, federal government involved. No one is above the law; has nothing to do with party. Horrible stress on Joe Biden. Failing health. 2023 will be a long year for us all. Dangerous weather. Fear is high. Death affects America next year.”

Next president is? “Effort to impeach Biden goes to Senate. Defeat of impeachment conviction in Senate. Victor in 2024 is DeSantis.” VP?: Not Pence, Cruz. Deal at last minute: Chris Christie has the right stuff.”

Ha: DeSantis = d’ saint. Chris Christie = a double Christ. A saint running with a Christ. Impossible! Politicians??

Anything else? “We’ll all get through 2024 somehow. The year will rank as a 4 out of a possible 10; 4 is a double F grade. Long year, many stresses. Anger high. Bad illness befalls Trump. He quits presidential bid. Goes home to await jail time. Very ill. Can’t stand failure. Death of Carter next year. Value Carter. Effort to bring America together again. God heals.”


Love (light around the corner),

Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 12/4/2022.

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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