Predictions! Predictions! Predictions! For the Year and beyond, to 2100.

Gene W. Edwards
13 min readMar 10, 2023


From the psychic intuition of Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 3/9/2023.

Parts 1 and 2 of 2.

World War III?

Will there be a third world war? Yes.

Are we in World War III now? No.

Could Ukraine+ have developed into W.W. III if the USA had stayed out of it? Yes.

Will World War III be nuclear? No

Will it be centered in Europe? No. It will be started by/centered on/from China.

Cause of that war: China’s aging-population demographic problem induces it to wage war. The reason? To expand China’s outreach in Asia and its financial prospects to appease its restive, overtaxed, population.

Will ICBM nukes be employed? No.

Tactical nukes? No.

Dates of that war. 2029–2032.

Who will win? The West.

Is the fight largely over oil? No. Conquest; power; expansion. A territorial imperative. Not unlike Ukraine war. China flexing its muscles in the face of its declining prospects, financially, socially, and politically.


How long will Xi Jinping remain as China’s leader? 2029.


Will North Korea declare war against South Korea? No. All bluster and blackmail.

Israel vs. Arab world.

Will Israel bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities? Yes. Late in 2023.

Will Iran and the Arab world powerfully retaliate? Four out of 10 degree of powerful retaliation, rockets raining down on Israel.

For how long? (Too long!) Three and one-half years, feeling endless.

Bottom line: only Israel, among its neighbors, has the “bomb.”

Will Israel survive? Much battered, but yes.

Will Netanyahu still be Israel’s prime minister during that time? No.

Additional comments: Israel will soon rebuild its ancient temple on Jerusalem’s temple mount. This will infuriate the jealous and religiously competitive Arab world. Watch the fireworks! Syria destroyed. Fear gives way to victory.


Will India and Pakistan go to war? Yes. 2029.

India huge losses. Nukes used in war? Yes, tactical, on the Punjab area of India, which is on the India/Pakistani border. High death toll in India.

Biden. Corruption?

Is Joe Biden, with members of his family, corrupt? Yes.

Is Joe Biden, himself, corrupt? No.

Was he in league with Hunter (and family) involved in corruption in Ukraine? He was the “Mr. Big” referred to in the deal, as attested by Tony Bobulinski, who backed out of it.

Was China involved, not just Ukraine? Yes.

Was Russia? No.

Will Hunter Biden by tried, convicted, and go to jail? Biden tarnished by prodigal son. None of the Bidens and their lawyers contested the salacious-beyond-degenerate, and politically corrupt, contents of the abandoned laptop.

My additional comments: value Biden as president. He has had to walk a tightrope through many issues.

Ukraine. Corruption.

Before the war, was Ukraine the most corrupt country in Western Europe as well as in Russian and formerly Russian Eurasia? Easily!

Largely cleaned up now? 40% cleaned up.

Is Ukraine home to thousands of miles of underground facilities, bioweapons labs, and human slavery, as some aver? Exaggerated claims of amount of same.

Are all these being destroyed/closed due to the war? No.

What percentage, overall, are left of those three compared to before the war? 30% of that left.

Is there pro-Fascist, pro-Nazi, S.S. element left in Ukraine? Yes, but of low impact.

The year of 2023.

What kind of year will 2023 be for America? What fear does in America is grind it to a halt. Biden cannot calm America. A year of crises. Bad the last half of the year. Rebellion runs high. A political-party divide. All happens but a big insurrection. Many Americans feel betrayed and over-controlled. On a scale of 0–10, 10 being the best, 2023 is definitely only a high three out of a perfect 10, and a 3 is what I call a triple-F grade; 2001 was a 2, and 2021 was a low 3-grade. I also predicted, at the turn of the year, weather and climate havoc this year, climate crises. About 30% worse than last year.

Musk, Elon.

What is Musk’s approval rate by the public right now? Only a 3 out of 10. Disapproval rate 2; undecided 5. At one point before Twitter, his approval rate was 90%. Will Elon Musk soon become the world’s richest man again? Yes.

In the 2020s, will others replace him as the world’s richest man or woman? Yes, because the persons in the number one spot, from time to time, will fluctuate, including how popular or unpopular they are at any particular time.

My additional comments: value Musk’s search for truth.

Biden and legislation.

Biden’s overall, merged, approval rating remains at 43% (as aggregated by near any president’s lows. Will that rating rise (much)? Yes. But only by a meager 2%. Enough.

Will Biden win a second term? Yes.

Who will he run against? Can beat DeSantis. I don’t believe DeSantis will be the candidate.

Will Harris eventually be president? Yes, but not in 2028.

Which party will win the president in 2028? Cannot be determined now.

Which party will win the House (of Representatives) in 2024? Democrats, 223 reps, Republicans 212 reps. The 118th Congress’s House (2022–2024): very unpopular under the Republicans.

Which party will win the Senate in 2024? Fifty senators will be Democrats, or caucus with the Democrats and usually vote with them, and 50 will be Republicans. The vice president is the tie-breaking vote if/when needed = the thinnest of majorities, again!

Biden’s college loan forgiveness program will fail in the Supreme Court. As chief executive, though, he’ll still be able to free-up money for it . . . and the rescued debtors’ votes.

Will Biden be able to get automatic weapons outlawed, etc.? He will make some more minor gains regarding gun regulations.

Will Biden initiate immigration reform that is effective? It’s only 3 out of 10 effective now.

Is there ny other initiative I should address? LGBTQ progress and appropriateness vs. DeSantis’s approach. Public opinion is loosening up, is coming around, in regard to this sticky issue, trans-sexuality out in the open, offending traditional and private sensibilities. I’d just say get used to it. It’s part of our social world now, pansexuality, gender-less personal identity. It shouldn’t be a political issue engendering prejudice, which is what the DeSantis wing of the Republican party wants.

Biden’s handling of transportation issues/calamities and of East Palestine, OH; 10%! Deadly poisons scattered over five states; the quick burn-off was for “convenience” and coverup, not safety. Pete Buttigieg did not step up to measure and limit the overall damage, and address it.

To what degree, 0–100, is Biden senile or losing ground in cognition? 10%.

At age 86 when he goes out of office, if he wins a second term: what % of cognitive decline? 21% decline. That’s still a significant level.

How much had Reagan declined before he went out of office? 23%. He died Alzheimer’s.

Will Biden, in office, be able to legalize or decriminalizes marijuana? No.

Will he be able to allow that industry to do banking? Yes. (Watch marijuana stocks then jump in value!)

Will marijuana continued to be classified as a hard drug, like heroin, under the Biden administration? Yes. (Allegedly to protect the kids.)

Will psilocybin mushrooms (magic mushrooms) gain wide acceptance and legalization as a medical treatment for depression and addictions? Yes — but only through medical channels.

Will the national debt hit a wall at a certain point, in trillions? Watch debt crisis, this Congress, over debt limit proposed increase. We already hit a wall.

Will Biden be able to win-over the Millennials and Generation Z? Only 33% are satisfied; the rest are askant, dissatisfied, or uncommitted.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s level of competence in office? 70% (low C-grade). He’s in way over his head, can do little and didn’t anticipate multiple kinds of crises and their principles’ degrees of incompetence, greed, unpreparedness, and arrogance.

Can public debt (spending) be curtailed through our currently scheduled expenditures being reduced and proposed future budgets required to be balanced? No, not foreseeably. Nobody wants to tax, and the government keeps growing. Watch congressional fight over debt limit increase! They’ll still be fighting over it in June, July, and August.

Will the government default, cannot pay present debts? No. Stops just short of that point, but that won’t stop the deficit spending addiction and some Republicans wanting to “sunset law” all federal programs and openly try to repeal Obamacare! Watch Congress defeat Democrats’ spending agenda. Almost no new spending ratified!

Will there be a blanket amnesty bill for the illegal aliens already living here? Yes. When? Preferably within one year. Won’t pass. Becomes an election issue on both sides.

How many legal immigrants do we need, and how soon? Ten million in five years to rescue our aged demographics and enhance our revenue base. Must apply at the American embassy in their home country. Sponsors with employment for them could pay for their transportation to the USA and to their new jobs. But CLOSE our borders (walls, technology, surveillance, etc.). Give amnesty to all not-criminal aliens already here.

Will Biden try to enact policing-over-the-police legislation? Yes. Won’t pass. That’s another election issue. Will individual policemen be subject to lawsuits for their egregious violence against others? Won’t pass.

Regarding big issues, will Biden be able to find coalition votes in Congress from the other side of the aisle to get things done? 50% (some wins, some losses.

Of our 46 presidents, how should Biden rank, from best (1) to worst (46)? 22. His mandates, globalism, mishandling of Afghanistan, etc.: very unpopular/mishandled. His mediational ability is counterbalanced by his authoritarian and international style.

Trump’s historical rank? 45th. Obama: 23rd. Reagan: 19th. Note: Zelenskyy ran Biden’s NATO proxy war against Russia. Congress and Biden pushed the buttons of many during a time of high inflation and household poverty. Biden can rub people the wrong way. Note Biden’s corrupt son and his connections. Watch Biden hearings about Burisma Holdings. Plenty of fire under the smoke. My additional note on that touchy subject: Biden thought he saw an offer he couldn’t refuse. (Biden is a politician.)

— Gene W. Edwards.

Gene: the world’s best commenter on present trends and intuitive predictor of future events.

Posted by Gene W. Edwards on 3/10/2023 on Facebook under Gene W. Edwards and on my website, is a giant blog-hosting website.


Predictions! Predictions! Predictions! For the Year and beyond, to the Year 2100.

From the psychic intuition of Gene W. Edwards.

Posted 3/10/2023.

Part 2 of 2.


DeSantis is heading the conservatives’ religious/cultural antithesis to the “woke” politically correct, gender-blender, sexuality movement, DeSantis exploits freedoms from governance and regulation but his accompanying intolerant, restrictive messages do not game-winning resonate within the larger electorate or even across his own party. Neither do Pence’s. The party “might” settle on Chris Christie as its 2024 candidate. DeSantis is too right-wing fringe/negative to win the Oval Office. Note: a conservative is dying off every 16 seconds, reducing the number of conservatives in the USA, and, a liberal is born here every nine seconds, a Generation or Y or Z, increasing the number of liberals by that addition. Soon there will be 55 million more liberals than conservatives! These figures are according to our experts in demographics: inevitability!


Trump? Trump is “washed up” as a winning presidential candidate, though able to withstand challenges within his own party. He will be sentenced to three to four years in prison, to enter the slammer in December of 2023. I am 100% sure he will not be president again. Instead, he will be defeated in court as a public figure worthy of voting for. Thereby, he won’t be on the 2024 ticket.

His cohorts will be convicted in GA and he will be indicted and convicted by the DOJ. He will be convicted, as well, by D.C. He will even lose in civil court over the old rape case he evaded until now. Conclusion: he has his hands full and in no longer viable as a presidential candidate or two-termer. He will not even win his party’s nomination. Only 30% of Republican voters are MAGA Republicans, and 20% of American voters. Deadlocked Republican caucuses will have to choose someone else.

Defamation cases.

Regarding the $1,600,000,000 defamation case against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems, Fox should settle this case out of court for an undisclosed amount. The six or so newscasters at Fox who knowingly pushing Trump lies must be more careful in the future — or lose their jobs. Lou Dobbs already did. I predict Fox will lose a significant proportion of its viewership in the next 12 months, most of them going over to Newsmax. Fox’s revenue per year is 12 billion dollars and profits of about 1.2 billion (versus a 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit). I see its revenue dropping to 10B, A settlement should be at least $100,000,000-$200,000,000 . . . and a required public apology to Dominion and to FOX News’ viewers. Rupert Murdock would be well advised to cut his losses by cleaning house and making FOX an honest conservative forum, leaving Trump behind. I’ll say it again: Trump is toast.

Some dozen other cases are being brought to court by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic SGO Group against a number of Trumper high-profile election deniers for libel, etc. These are each billion-dollar-plus cases! The two voting machine companies will have to prove deliberate malice vs. the defendants just repealing and embellishing conscious lies: tough to prove. It wouldn’t surprise me if the courts extract at least a total of one billion dollars in judgments from some of those defendants, tapping them dry.

Tesla; markets; gold.

Tesla stock is wavering again. Twenty fatalities have been in Teslas — being driven on autopilot? Maybe Tesla stock will bottom out this time at $190 a share and soon head back up again? That’s my sense.

Will Twitter work as Musk intends — on a scale of 0–10? 9. Little censorship. Working the bugs out. Will Twitter not censor much other than villainous lies? Will limit censorship.

The price of gold presently runs between $1800–1,900 a troy ounce. What price will it go to within the next 12 months? It could hit $4,000 an ounce. I keep getting that! That’s a huge jump, and indicative of monstrous trouble ahead.

The cryptocurrencies will go up, collectively, about 25 to 30 percent this year over last year’s Sam Bankman-Fried’s scam.

Uncertainty and disruption this year over what? Everything! I’ve suggested that what I sense, coming up, is political tumult. The stock markets will be equally turbulent during part of this year, once they start their downslide. Expect the DOW to go down into the twenty thousands and the NASDAQ to go down to 7,500, both after April.

Ukraine war.

When will the Ukraine war end? 2025, after Putin dies of cancer.

Zelenskyy will quit early in 2025, his job done. (I dreamed that.) He’ll be okay, then, with a negotiated settlement of the war. Everyone is tired of war there! In war, there are no victors. Wars only end when they have to.

Russia appears to have had 150,000+ of its troops killed so far in Ukraine. I predict that by the end of the war that figure will be 300,000! Who would have guessed 1.1 million would die of COV so far in the USA? Russia’s war, likewise, was ill-advised, disastrous, and seemingly endless!

Will Putin’s successor continue pursuing the war? Not for long.

Russia will not be able to hold onto Crimea and other parts of eastern Ukraine. Too much resistance!

Russia lays waste to what it cannot have. Russia will avoid using nukes.

I date the fall of communism, as we know it, as 2028. It becomes more free market.

Nukes; EMPs; CMEs; asteroids.

“When” will our sun emit an earth-dangerous coronal mass ejection (giant sunspot)? 2109.

Will any nation use a widespread electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapon? No.

Will China provide kamikaze drones to Russia to use in Ukraine, or any other kind of armament? Not openly. Only if untraceable.

Will Russia enter Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, etc., to conquer any country other than Ukraine in the near future? Russia too busy with Ukraine.

What nation initiates World War III, and when, and why? Watch China take Taiwan in 2029 and take whatever it can grab in the South China Sea. Because of treaty commitments, free nations are drawn in vs. China and its allies.

Giant asteroids will be near earth in 2029 and 2046. Will either hit us? Our astrophysicists will attempt to hit both to divert them from being too close to earth.

Any other big phenomenon from nature coming? Tsunamis. Three super-large ones by 2100. Africa, in particular, will change its shape.

Ancient Aliens, pyramids, and such. When will we find a Hall of Records, such as in or below the Great Sphinx, and evidence of much of our prehistory? Watch science use tools to find ancient passages and rooms to historical treasures of information. This is taking place even now.

Intuitive final notes.

No big earthquakes — widespread damage — in the USA this year. Same with volcanoes.

Biden gathers a following.

Trump is “disenfranchised” from popularity. Federal charges against. Withdraws from running. I get a “zero” for him.

Washington, D.C. indicts Trump for fomenting an insurrection.

I previously said, on 1/1, that Carter would die this year (a kind of an American political and social saint). I added, when I heard in February that he is home but in hospice care there, that he will die the first week of April. Death is as predictable as anything else.

Trump’s loss of legal cases and sentencing throws all timelines and expectations off. His zealots then attack America. Watch what happens. Watch fragmentation of the political party Republican. All the chaos is blamed by MAGA extremists on Democrats. Government on verge of martial law.

“Shadow” insurrection this year from widespread violence, infrastructure and I.T. sabotage, and political lawlessness.

Ukraine war heats up! Russia will have 300,000 troops, max, in Ukraine. It will have 300,000 war dead before war over. War completely over in 2025.

Note my peril years of 2029–2032 above! Watch world on fire (with war). Until then, pray for peace.

Will nuclear weapons be used? No.

China will be the new bad boy on the block, plus its allies, which are communist-leaning or authoritarian regimes, including Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Pakistan, Cuba, and the like. Avoid such a war! Iran’s power will be destroyed. Syria destroyed as well. South Africa will learn a lesson. China will be isolated from doing business with the West. Russia will become a democracy, in the end, and Germany will finally “get it.” High death tolls! USA will be okay. God is in His heaven (in you). Allow the voice of the Creative Forces to direct policy. Value U.S. president to know what to do during those three years. A kind of cleansing to new purposes will be going on.

Question: what did I get wrong out of all the above?

I see Trump dropping out of sight during the latter part of the year.

— Gene W. Edwards.

Glory to God in the highest — and He is in you, not “outside” you!

Gene: the world’s best commenter on present trends and intuitive predictor of future events.

Posted by Gene W. Edwards on 3/9/2023 on Facebook under Gene W. Edwards and on my website, is a giant blog-hosting website.



Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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