Quantifying My Intuitions via My Gift with Numbers. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 9/21/2023.
There have been five mass extinctions (that we know of) of animals, otherwise known as biotic crises, the last being the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs (thereby creating all that oil for us?). I have intuited that humans will be alive on this planet until the 9000s, I’ll now pin it down: 9893.
There have also been several mass die-offs of humans, leaving only a few breeding couples to repopulate us bipeds. When will the next human die-off be?: The year 2222. (I know that number sounds too coincidental or manufactured, but there it is.) The cause? A giant asteroid hits the world, causing tsunamis.
In 2334, there will be a giant solar flare (CME: coronal mass ejection) that shuts down much of the electromagnetics of the time.
It has been prophesied by others, in past times, that eventually the papacy dies, the Catholic Church dies, maybe even during the time of our present pope or the next pope. So when?: 2025.
From earthquakes in Italy?: Yes, during the papacy of the next pope, who will be the reincarnation of St. Peter. Our present pope, Pope Francis, will die next year.
When does the U.S. economy collapse next, the dollar become worth nothing? (All currencies eventually collapse.): 2225–2226. So soon! These congressional shutdowns don’t help our credit rating.
Is any particular event or circumstance behind that shutdown?: USA’s public debt becomes too high (presently, our national debt of 33 trillion dollars is equal to 165 rows of $100 bills laid end-to-end from the earth to the moon; now that’s money!).
Once the dollar is worth nothing, how much in Purchasing Power Parity will an ounce of gold be worth as a medium of exchange in the USA?: $5,000. It would be worth more, but you can’t eat gold. Silver coins will be more negotiable. Also, land, food, medicine, and water.
What else should I tell my readers at this time?: Watch world conflicts, USA drawn in, World War III, which starts in 2029. Not so far away! I’ll soon speak on the subject of national sovereignty, in the larger sense, and of how the world is headed between a showdown between authoritarian regimes vs. democratic ones by treaty not permitting their being overrun.
When you look at the above events/dates, I want you to comprehend that every age thinks it’s the last. Homo sapiens (humanoid primates) have been around some 300,000 years. By comparison, 10,000 years is just an eye blink. We are well on our way to ruining this planet — air, soil, and sea — and may move on to others. A remnant will remain for a “time.” Life evolves despite missteps. Not much actually dies. The catastrophes we anticipate are seldom the ones we experience or time correctly. It’s usually something else. Almost any situation — pollution, etc. — “can” be corrected. Few are. Yet evolvement continues, mankind growing up. End times? Don’t hold your breath!
Most of my “quantifications” (number-associated percentages and predictions/dates) are much nearer term than the above. Keep track of the shorter-term ones and “grade” me on them. If I get them right, why are not scores of future millennia discernible, of time and event?
One last word: the future is malleable! It can be rather like a blank slate: anything “could” happen that wasn’t supposed to happen or was anticipated by no one. That “could” ranges from a 9/11, to a world war, to a massive climate or geophysical disaster. Few see such-as-those coming. Much of what makes the future an open book, both of highs and of lows, is human will . . . and human error.
Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive, precognitive, predictive mystics, exclusively using insight, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.
On Medium: genewedwards.medium.com
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