Gene W. Edwards
5 min readFeb 7, 2023

Shorties, Including Predictions.

By Gene W. Edwards.

I have seen three absolutely dumb political things in my life. (1) Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan (provocative!). (2) Former chair of the Federal Reserve and present U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, stating she can keep our government running until “early June” . . . or so, though our national debt hit its cap on last January 19. (Is she going to get the money out of her bum?) By so stating, she gave our 21 renegade Republicans in the House a season ticket to practice delaying tactics and hold our government hostage to fear. (3) The Chinese “weather balloon.” Yeah, right. (And our waiting, waiting, waiting to shoot it down). Maybe I could add (4), our ill-timed departure from Afghanistan, and, (5) Trump’s downplaying the pandemic until it was out of control . . . and the he contracted it after pretending the shots don’t do anything or are dangerous.

Why should I stop here? (6) Our ex-president fomenting an insurrection and anyone believing he didn’t — and him pretending he didn’t lose the election.


And now we come to my prediction as to when Congress will extend our national debt limit from 31.4 TRILLION dollars to . . . “whatever” figure until the next time. Congress is beating a dead horse. We owe so much money to ourselves: to treasury bond purchasers (here as well as to international banks, including China’s), believing we’ll ever pay it back is comparable to believing horses can fly over the moon! Utter fiction! Our debt is being hung over our head by the Republicans like a Damocles’ sword. Both parties ran the debt up. For instance: Trump ignoring COVID-19; Biden and his spending bills . . .

90 days from now.


Elon Musk says he stopped sleeping three months ago, can’t sleep — but that he now has Twitter close to breaking even, not bankrupting. Worry keeps him awake. The only public person I can recall hearing he did not sleep at all — not for years — is the late Jawaharlal Nehru (1884–1969), who was the Prime Minister of India for 14 years. Musk should never, never, be underestimated!

I’ve been watching Musk’s fortunes improve. Some year and a half ago, he was worth 340 billion dollar before his fortune plummeted. Today he’s back up to 190 billion . . . and counting. Tesla stock is up to almost $200 share from $100 mere days ago. Tesla is leading the NASDAQ market from all the good Tesla/Musk news lately. I expect Tesla to go to $230 a share forthwith! That will make him once again the richest man in the world, not third richest. Musk is age 51.

Surprisingly, he’s not a very practical or realistic man — he barely won two recent lawsuits against him — and he is an emotional man. He fathered 10 kids but doesn’t see them much, and he’s been notoriously cheap with his girlfriends. Thrice divorced. Married to WORK. After obtaining is bachelor’s degree in PA, he attended Stanford University for two days before founding a 307-million-dollar company with his brother, and quickly financially moving up from there. He was born in South Africa to a highly competent engineer father but one that Elon describes as a “horrible man!” His father sired two children by his own young stepdaughter.

Despite any flaws Elon Musk has, and personal misjudgments, I consider him to be on the very forefront of the human experience. The word “driven” is inadequate to describe his level of gifts, initiative, and accomplishment — and he’s only 51 years old!

I’ll soon blog about all the info they never told you, devoting a paragraph to each subject pushed under the rug. Musk is lifting that rug of concealment ever so gingerly. Curiously, the light is under the rug! In the same way they (Texas Cattleman’s Association) went after Oprah, because she wasn’t rich enough, at three billion dollars then, to defend herself, Musk at 340 billion dollars was not rich enough to fend off the gods of political correctness (of control and avarice) that control the news, and you, from the top down. The cost to Musk (Twitter debacle) as of now is $140,000,000,000 (340 billion minus 140 billion is 200 billion)! That’s how much it cost him to guard your/my/our back, or at least attempt to do so.


I can’t see where Tesla stock is going past $230 a share, nor Canopy Growth Corporation’s stock past $3.20 a share! These are my personal markers of where optimism runs out, the market runs of steam and heads south for a time. I suggest you get out of the markets soon — once those two stocks reach that milestone — until the national debt’s cap is extended. I am not aware of any other promising stock, though Peloton has possibilities. The “good faith and credit” of the USA is dependent right now on Kevin McConnell’s House of Representatives ship of fools. Twenty-one in his delegation of 222 representatives are a drag on the nation until or unless they are voted out in a future election. What are the budget cuts the Republicans want? We haven’t heard a word. Do they want to reverse present legislation? Two hundred deck hands are smarter than their captain.


I believe Biden’s upcoming agenda will include three initiatives:

(1) Passage of the George Floyd bill restraining the nation’s police from overreach.

(2) A push to outlaw assault weapons.

(3) A bill allowing marijuana companies to do banking, and at attempt to legalize or decriminalize marijuana. We’ve been in prohibition.

Passage of these will require Biden to reach across the aisle in Congress and find women and Blacks among the Republicans in both chambers of Congress whose are for the people and not just for themselves or their party. Biden is masterful at getting his chosen legislation passed!


Does this blog suggest I am a Democrat or that I’m much on board with Biden? No! No! And No!!! Biden has been on the merry-go-round of politics all of his adult life — and the other name for our modern American politics is exploitation. There is very little in our entire governance process that is not contaminated by propaganda, greed, and such — until all of us, and it, are slammed into a wall — and that time is not afar off. I see a prosperous but acrimonious year in the remaining 10 months of 2023, a year I rank a high 3 out of a possible 10, which is like a triple-F grade in quality, feeling, and effect. On that rollercoaster ride, make sure you’re strapped in good — and you may also need a parachute.


Gene W. Edwards

Posted on 2/7/2023 on Facebook and on my website,

Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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