Some Psychic Predictions by Me, Gene W. Edwards. 9/10/2023.

Gene W. Edwards
3 min readSep 10, 2023


Trump does NOT win or at least keep his win of the Republican primary.

DeSantis heads the 11/5/2024 General Election Republican ticket, Haley as his V.P.

Biden can win, will win: the Democrats.

Trump gets major jail-time convictions after the Republican primary and before the election. The party dumps him — he doesn’t quit — as does the overwhelming majority of the American public and “enough” voters.

Trump will be convicted of all 91 felonies, if he lasts that long. He is in danger. This yr.

The NATO war with Russia will end at the end of 2024. Russia and Ukraine will form an armistice in which each keep whatever land they hold . . . for the time being.

I repeat from previous blogs, World War III starts in 2029, starting with the West’s war with China. The war lasts three years. We are drawn in by treaty commitments. Sound familiar?

Trump’s personal trajectory is now one of failure.

Kamala Harris will be a future American president.

How much has our war with Russia, on behalf of the Ukraine, actually cost us so far?: 200 billion dollars, which is about $600 in tax (as inflation!) for every man, woman, and child here.

What happens to Trump?: Watch his death — on T.V. I state this matter of factly, as what I see. Has an awful end. Has many enemies.

The economy will be better by the time of the election.

New 30-year mortgages on 11/5/2024 for homes will be: 4.5% compared to today’s 7.5%.

Pence will not be able to resurrect his political career.

Biden will not initiate any new, big, spending bills this term.

After the 2024 election, we’ll have 54 Democrat/independent senators (out of 100) and 222 Democrat reps (out of 435) in the House.

How will W.W. III start?: The USA opposes China taking Taiwan. It becomes a war of East vs. West, authoritarian allies vs. an array of democracies opposing Chinese aggression and expansionism. The war will expand to many fronts when Iran, Russia, Pakistan, etc., flex their muscles to expand their influence and territory, or religion. This will not be a nuclear ICBM war. Note our present war against Russia as a model — 2022–2024 or -2025 — but the 2029–2032 war will seem endless and is much more expansive and dangerous, and expensive and lethal, than the war over Ukraine.

Can we learn by 11/2025 to separate our nation from the Chinese economy, find other suppliers for raw materials, products, services, etc., we must have, etc.?: 25%. We will hardly have done that at all.

Will Congress pass by 9/30/2023 — this month! — next year’s October ’23 through September ’24 federal fiscal budget bill?: No! It will pass on Monday, 10/2 — which means America’s credit rating will drop again soon after that, based on uncertainty and political gamesmanship affecting financial liquidity.

What will the DJIA (Dow) be by 11/5/2024, General Election time? (It is presently 34,577.) It will be approximately: 39,500. And the NASDAQ? (Presently it is 13,761.) By 11/5/.2024 it’ll be: 16,500.

Will McConnell be able to serve out his present term ending in January of 2027?: Yes. Will he then retire?: Yes. Will he have more noticeable health incidents while in office, like the three he had?: one more.

Will Nancy Pelosi win reelection and become speaker of the house again in 2026?: She will not want to be speaker. Hakeem Jeffries would do just fine.

Will Kevin McCarthy be able to retain his control over the House until 11/5/2024?: Surprisingly, No.

Why will Biden win?: USA throws Republicans out, thanks to Trump. Economy looks better.

Is the Green Revolution and anti-carbon climate change a legit mission?: 33%. Too little, too late, propaganda-driven, big spending, inevitable climate cycles driven, not much by humans and carbon dioxide.

What will our national debt be on/around 11/5/2024?: 35 trillion dollars (equal to 175 rows of $100 bills laid end-to-end from the earth to the moon!).

Will our economy crash from too much public debt?: 2025. A money crisis that year, but resolved.

What will the price of gold be by 11/5/2024?: $2,100 a troy oz.

Hmm, what will the price of gold be at the end of the year 2025?: Still $2100 a troy oz.



I have expertise in politics, natural health, humor, writing, money, life wisdom, intuition, the psychic, the mystic, prediction, precognition, quantification, metaphysics, ideas, concepts, and re-combinative thinking.

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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