Trump is Toast (T.i.T.), as are the Republicans! By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 8/25/2023.
The Republicans’ debate on 8/23/2023 was largely unimpressive, a “Don’t bother with.” Six out of the eight candidates still buy into Trump and his election lie. Christie or Hutchinson should have dressed in striped prison garb to symbolize what this election is all about: Trump’s moral turpitude and upcoming imprisonment and marginalization as a political and celebrity presence. I’ll say it again, “TiT, Trump is Toast!”
Note the following from the Aljazeera website: “Before the Fulton County jail became the centre [sic] of national attention amid the Trump election interference charges, the facility was notorious for being unsanitary, unsafe and teeming with insects,” including bedbugs. Other vermin — the two-legged kind — will soon be arriving for their crowded cells.
DeSantis played it safe. Vivek Ramaswami, whom I call Rama Suwannee River, after Florida’s outrage of a tributary torrent of a treacherous river, was the most vocal, and a risk taker, who tried to drown the rest out. He has brains, looks, and a 500-million-dollar fortune. He wants a minimum voting age of 25 (?!, wants us to “Drill, baby, drill,” and says man-made climate change is a fraud. He wants us out of Ukraine. He said he would immediately pardon Trump and all of that ilk. I strongly resonate with some of his beliefs and will soon speak to that. Nikki Haley won the debate, carefully handling hot button issues and excoriating 38-yhear-old Vivek R. for being a foreign policy naif in the face of the Putins of the world. Chris Christie also laid into V. Suwannee River, saying he sounded just like Chat GBT and that his autobiography was probably ghost written. Christie is still not polling well among Republicans.
I still maintain Biden or, more likely, Kamala Harris, will beat the Republican nominee. The Republican Party of today is the lost party of psychopathic Trump and has not seized on issues and positive solutions. Christie is running against Trump and that is not enough. We are in desperate need of a change in the political winds and, in my opinion, neither party suffices. Instead, we are spending, and dissenting, ourselves, as a nation, into oblivion!
Hmm. After fomenting a coup, Trump now wants to fly the coop. What he really needs is a coup de grace, a total and nationwide repudiation!
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