The Breach Left by Trump on 1/6/2021 was Plugged by Denver Riggleman?American Democracy Itself is on the Line. By Gene W. Edwards.
Liz Cheney hired U.S.-Air-Force-trained Denver Riggleman, an ex-Republican congressman from Virginia, and now ex-Republican, to do his brilliant intelligence I.T. work to try to discover the links to Trump’s insurrection. Riggleman wasn’t interested in rabbit holes; he was in the game to catch foxes, leading to the biggest fox of them all. Yeah, you know who. Almost there. Almost is no cigar.
Riggleman was the single best I.T. investigator Cheney could find in the world to recommend to the insurrection committee. Riggleman requested 3.3 million dollars so his team could do the complete job. The committee nickeled him down to $600,000, his political football touchdown being limited to a “safety” because of the upcoming November 8, 2022’s General Election, now less than a month away, when the Republicans could take over Congress, undo everything, and the Trump crowd co-opt our very form of government.
Despite that, he gave the committee, within eight short months, 18,000,000 lines of incriminating data! His book is, The Breach: The Untold Story of the Investigation into January 6th. I received a copy the day it came out, 9/27/2022. It is a must-read!
Like 1/6, Riggleman’s book is full of bombshells. We are in a war for the soul of America. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Donald Trump and all of his enablers must be stopped: at the ballot box, in the courts, and in our Congress. The Pied Piper, poised on a cliff overlooking the sea, must be the first drowning, but millions are involved in his conspiracy to overthrow our government, install Trump and themselves instead. They all must be rooted out and exposed — as American frauds.
Here’s our Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, Ginni Thomas, a lawyer, page 31:
“The GFS blockchain watermarked ballots in over 12 states have been part of a huge Trump & miliary white hat sting operation in 12 key battleground states where 20,000+ natl. guard were deployed.
“Biden crime family & ballot box co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc.) are being arrested and detained for ballot fraud right now & over coming days & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”
If you believe any of that, you should have your head checked for the presence of even one iota of critical thinking ability — but Trump has brainwashed tens of millions. At his height of power, Trump had 87.5 million followers on Twitter! One or more Trumpers even disabled Riggleman’s car to presumably kill him, but his daughter happened to drive it instead and escaped injury. He and his family endured murder attempts, death threats, endless lies, political isolation, and profound coercive chaos. His (our) opponents are mean motor scooters and bad go getters! They’re coming for you and me to our country away from us!
If you think Ginni Thomas needs a brain or character transplant, you should read the conspiracy ramblings of the My Pillow (business) guy, Mike Lindell, a former crack addict and a main speaker at many Trump rallies. Riggleman put a page-long Lindell message to Mark Meadows on The Breach’s pages 36–37.
Riggleman followed 2,319 telephone text messages to/from Mark Meadows’ phone (Trump’s chief of staff), which Meadows naively turned over to him, and Riggleman also pursue other leads, to expose the following groups all planning the insurrection and government overthrow: U.S. Senators and Congressmen; lawyers; law enforcement and military people; Trump-team staffers and department heads; Trump family members; election officials; right-wing militia groups; QAnon; white supremacists; election deniers; and militant evangelicals. They all shared, and still share, the same mindsets, including extremists deep into authoritarianism, messianic Christian fundamentalists, unhinged conspiracy theorists, and shallow disinformationists, all bent on installing Trump as an autocrat (think dictator or fascist) and our nation’s ubiquitous commander in chief. This is deeply crazy stuff. And who is it that was in charge of it all, its insider chief inciter, pulling strings from the shadows? Trump. All roads lead to Trump and his stolen-election Big Lie.
Riggleman quit last April to write his book in 10 weeks. Its publication date was one day before the insurrection committee’s scheduled last meeting on 9/28/2022 before the American people, a meeting then postponed to 10/13/2022 at 0800 my Mountain Savings Time. The committee still doesn’t have enough to go on. Because of the passage of time, concealment, and encryption, in as quickly as mere hours from now critical leads and connections will dry up! Investigators of 1/6 now need full access to names, phone numbers, etc. (see below). This is a very special case, and bureaucracy, and overprotection of White House staff confidentiality, should be replaced by extreme urgency.
Why did Riggleman quit? The committee didn’t support his team and their information access enough for him to finish the work he needed to do — on a very short timetable of remedy before more, even worse, political evil this way comes, bordering on civil war. From private donations, could his team be reassembled to complete their job? The will must be there in the insurrection committee to not settle with half measures, half the story.
His piecing together his leads was like assembling the Dead Sea Scrolls. The White House switchboard was dead — no incoming or outgoing calls — from 11:17 A.M. to 6:54 P.M. on insurrection day. Nine people died from the insurrection.
The White House switchboard will not release to the committee the phone numbers of who each of its phone numbers went to in the White House. Such info is essential for the committee, despite traditional security, to complete the timeline of conspiracy events. Riggleman still managed to piece together the texts and names of many of the whom-to and whom-from calls on cell phones, and other data. Riggleman also obtained Trump’s call diary and apparently Trump’s main cell phone.
I’ll conclude with quotes from pages 108–115.
“We called the main link map ‘The Monster.’”
“The targets for our investigation were divided up into five major categories: domestic violent extremists, which included militant like Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and 1st Amendment Praetorian; rally organizers; officials, which included members of Congress and local politicians; Trump associates, which included top advisors and staff; and the president’s family. We also tracked a sixth group of unaffiliated individuals, who were mainly people we identified because they faced federal charges for breaking into the Capitol.
“The telephony team’s maps were made up of link lines. Each line represented and incoming or outgoing communication from a call detail record. If you zoomed in, you could see each line crisscrossing the whole screen. The numbers were shown at the end of the line along with a small phone handset icon. Zooming out, the ‘Monster’ looked like a lopsided hexagon with six major connected hubs representing each of our five categories and the unaffiliated rioters. It had a strong skeleton of link lines woven between each node.”
He added, “They were all connected. Everyone was linked.”
(On page 114) “At one point, we found a cell phone that we tied to Trump himself.”
“Trump’s cell phone was operated in an extremely unusual manner” (page 106).
(Page 114) “Over six thousand calls and messages went to that cell phone during the roughly three months before the election and the end of his term. All of it was incoming, but the phone was never turned on. Everything was forwarded to a voice-mail box, which was filled to the brim.”
There were people on Riggleman’s maps of Trump’s family and their associates who seemed to regularly retire numbers, “We thought they looked like burner [disposable; untraceable] phones.”
These ghost numbers and messages left Riggleman’s team wishing they could have started earlier, gotten more cooperation from White House protocols regarding who had what phone number, etc., and had better funding and a rousing platform from which America would hear of all of Riggleman’s incriminating links that could be connected and exposed — for prosecution. Instead, the Justice Department and other legal entities after Trump only have piecemeal reconstructions of who did what, when, why, and how. Trump tries to not leave his fingerprints (court evidence traceable back to him) on anything. One must assume the kingpin “phone-y” is Trump himself.
Buy the book!
Love (even to those hiding in the bushes),
Posted, 10/11/2022.