The Curious Case of Joe Biden.
By Gene W. Edwards.
Posted 4/30/2023,
Joe Biden should never be underestimated. He was a lackadaisical (average) student in school and college, and a stutterer. Yet he was bored to tears by law school, which was, for him, a slam/dunk, a breeze. He had found his element. At the age of 29, he was elected to the U.S. Senate, taking office barely by the Constitutionally-required minimum age of 30. Even back then, he was predicting he would someday be president. He never looked back.
Despite some scandals and missteps along the way, and terrible approval ratings today, he’s my odds-on favorite to win a second term. As he puts it, “Just watch me!” Is he a bit senile? My intuitive info says he’s 10% gone, heading to 25% by the time he’s out of office in 2029. Hopefully he can then still simultaneously chew gum, tie his shoelaces, and run the world despite debility. Here’s my intuitive take on Biden:
“Value Biden as capable despite aging. Understand his ability to pass tax bills to pay our debts, meet a budget. Value Biden’s compassion and his ability to respond to crises without flinching. Value Biden’s caring for the common American like he does family. Watch Biden win again. Celebrate Biden for who he is. We did much worse under Trump. History will record Biden, after he is done, as our 10th best president out of 46, the insurrectionist Trump as our worst. What a contrast! Like Lincoln before him, Biden will not ‘have to come back.’”
— Gene.
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