The End of Donald Trump? Psychopathy Checklist.
Posted on 3/30/2023.
I’ve been wondering why my predictions say Trump “disappears” off my radar as a viable person in October of 2023. There are several ways to take that, but not necessarily a death. In considering these matters, today, 1/30, a few minutes after we heard that Trump had been indicted, I got the words, “Death of Trump highly exaggerated” (to paraphrase Mark Twain’s supposed death and his rejoinder). I also got the words, “[Trump] stricken by the courts.” I believe he is heading for “jail and disgrace, “ those together. “His value is dropping.” It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump dies late in 2023 — suicide or jail or disease? — but I won’t hold my breath until then. The Trump saga continues, like a bad soap opera.
If you want a historical echo to Trump, look at the life of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s errant father. She was the convicted (procurer of underage girls) closest associate of child molester Jeffrey Epstein. Mr. Maxwell reached billionaire in net worth in his heyday but died alone, having fallen off the back of his yacht (sick or drunk?) and drowned, after it was revealed he had stolen hundreds of millions of pounds from his own companies. Only Trump and he are off the scale on the Dr. Robert D. Hare “Psychopathy Checklist” as classic psychopaths — whose life, in the end, unraveled. The Hare poses 20 items (characteristics) scored from 0 to 2, a 2-score being a credible psychopathic measure on an item. Trump is more like an extreme, a 3 on each item but one (revocation of conditional release, a 0) for a score of 57 out of “40” (25–30 is a psychopath)! Here are the principal traits of a psychopath from Wikipedia’s “Psychopathy Checklist” file:
The psychopath tends to display a constellation or combination of high narcissistic, borderline, and antisocial personality disorder traits, which includes superficial charm, charisma/ attractiveness, sexually seductive and promiscuity, affective instability, suicidality, lack of empathy, feelings of emptiness, self-harm, and splitting (black and white thinking). In addition, sadistic and paranoid traits are usually also present.”
Trump is/was an interesting character, a classic con artist or cunning businessman who aspired to political heights. He mostly succeeded in tearing America apart until — but the law is now coming for him from many fronts. The United States of Trump failed.
Here are the subjects (items) on the Psychopathy Checklist (from Wikipedia, above):
· Item 1: Glibness/superficial charm
· Item 2: Grandiose sense of self-worth
· Item 3: Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
· Item 4: Pathological lying
· Item 5: Cunning/manipulative
· Item 6: Lack of remorse or guilt
· Item 7: Shallow affect
· Item 8: Callous/lack of empathy
· Item 9: Parasitic lifestyle
· Item 10: Poor behavioral controls
· Item 11: Promiscuous sexual behavior
· Item 12: Early behavior problems
· Item 13: Lack of realistic long-term goals
· Item 14: Impulsivity
· Item 15: Irresponsibility
· Item 16: Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
· Item 17: Many short-term marital relationships
· Item 18: Juvenile delinquency
· Item 19: Revocation of conditional release
· Item 20: Criminal versatility
Sound a little familiar? Or are you callously gullible?
Posted 3/30/2023.
Gene W. Edwards is the world’s best intuitive psychic about the past, present, and future.
Note: I am working on a psychic prediction book which I will title The Apocalypse Bag: Visions of the Present and Future, the Big Picture. By intuitive psychic Gene W. Edwards.