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The Ghost in the “Machine”! By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 10/31/2024
The worst political gaffe I can remember is Biden calling all Trump supporters “garbage.” What Trump says is mostly garbage; that could, instead, have been pointed out, with examples, but not by using that word. This election hangs in the balance and Biden just added weight to the Trump side of the scale. Obama can’t fix that, despite his oratorical brilliance.
I still say Harris will win, by the narrowest of margins! Let’s see what else transpires from today THROUGH election day, in news, goofs, endorsements, rallies, etc.
Remember, the future is MALLEABLE and no one has a corner on Truth. The Democrats must come up with a stronger program that addresses budget, taxation, health, crises, partisanship, common sense, real science, and visionary progress. Trump just spouts promises and attacks, all lacking substance and specific workability. I find Harris intelligent, engaging, and convincing but she must have both houses of Congress with her to get anything done, particularly the House . . . not to mention needing a filibuster-proof Senate Democrat super-majority. Barring that, we are all in limbo!
Presently, I see the Democrats having a tiny edge in the November election, now just hours away. I have the lowest regard for Trump, but real republicanism has a profound place in Americana. Where is it? The Democrats love to throw money into everything, like largess, whereas expenditure must be over-covered by revenue, BEFORE enacted. Yes, in America you…