The Immigration Crisis on Steroids! What to Do about It. By Gene W. Edwards. Posted on 9/21/2023

Gene W. Edwards
3 min readSep 21, 2023


Illegal Immigrants are presently pouring into the USA at the rate of 2,000,000 a year! New York City, particularly, has been flooded with more immigrants than the city can begin to handle. I’m going to turn my intuition on this subject, below, to seek an overview and a solution. As follows:

USA must regulate its borders, CLOSE them to all but legal immigration through established channels. All illegals, without exception, must be returned to their home countries to apply for USA citizenship or simply live out their lives in their native countries. We need immigrants but not unchecked immigration.

Demographically/statistically, at present we definitely could use 1,000,000 prospective citizens per year to be allowed to come in via application. Note: 10,000,000 may want it, or would try to walk in, unnoticed. This creates chaos!


What should we do about the some 12-million-plus illegals in the USA right now? As follows:

USA should screen them for desirability. Return a few criminals and such (BAD people), and legalize all the rest. By decree. Instant citizenship. Reagan did it. All the above will require landmark legislation, agreed upon by both our political parties, to fully address an extremely divisive issue and malady.


Anything else? As follows:

I am correct in delineating the issue and solution. Will our three branches of government exert the will to address and solve this humanitarian crisis? Until they do, illegal immigrants coming in will be exploited in many ways for many reasons, none of them appropriate or good. Educate the American people via our leaders to take on this issue and solve it. It should not be a political football.

America is THE land of immigration/immigrants. They came from everywhere for all kinds of reasons. Many came in in illegal ways, or came in in waves, often based on crises in their home country. A great need remains for the world — not just us but the other 195 countries and 50 territories as well — to assist displaced or severely endangered persons to relocate.

You must know that America is in desperate need of legal immigrants, the younger the better, to begin to pay taxes and pay into Social Security because our present citizens have a low birthrate. A nation, such as China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia — with too many old with not enough young to support them is literally a dying nation. Such nations are sinking into a demographic hell. Imagine their tax rates on the young!

Another kind of dying nation is one in which its citizens are unwilling to do the kinds of grunt work immigrants are willing if not happy to do: farm work; factory work; landscaping; drivers; etc. Not having those workers easily available causes unnecessary financial hardship on business owners.

All in all, America’s beacon of hope should shine in every direction for those willing to wait and be screened and selected to come here.

Watch America unravel, further, as its immigration issues flounder and politicians argue but do little to remedy a “free for all” at our borders and interior.

Immigrants are us.



Gene is one of the world’s best intuitive, precognitive, predictor mystics, exclusively using insight and inspiration, about the past, present, and future as well as being one of the world’s most interesting, relevant, and best writers.

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Gene W. Edwards
Gene W. Edwards

Written by Gene W. Edwards

My specialties: ideas/concepts; humor; ETs; money; politics; vision; “numbers”; health; prediction/precognition, intuition/mysticism—and good writing!

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